36. A day without your love is a day without life...

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🔸🔸🔸 Warning Alert: 🔸🔸🔸

Read the shot with your very own risk...

Lots of unexpected and shocking twists, freaking moments are awaiting...

Those who can tolerate anything can proceed further...

🔸Strictly no bashing is allowed...🔸

Last but not the least, those who can trust me and has a confidence in me, can go ahead....

Others are requested to skip this story, as a roller coaster ride is ahead...

🔹🔹 Moreover, I request the readers not to comment as " Don't separate Abhigya"...

Please don't compare my works with the real Kkb and don't show your frustrations on the serial in the comments section..

I request the readers to comment only for the stories🔹🔹

I'm just using the names, as I like them so much and I'm their crazy fan... I don't like to portray my imaginary writings without them... I hope you all can understand me....

I hate sad endings and I will surely give a happy ending...

So, no worries...

But I can carry forward the story only with the way, I have planned...

Just 4 more shots to go to end this story...

🔹Fingers crossed and expecting a positive response from you all... 🔹


Sometimes, I don't understand what haunts me more... The memories of you or the happy person, I used to be earlier...

I act like, I don't care a bit too... But deep inside, it's killing me mercilessly...

New beginnings of life are not a way to bring happiness alone ... Sometimes it has painful endings too...





Darkness is surrounded everywhere.. The atmosphere is way too rough and rusty.. There is no light anywhere in the whole place and the heavy darkness is creating only a horrific and an eeric feeling, which will make even the strongest and fearless person to freak out..

Anyone who fears for darkness will surely get a heart attack, seeing the dark night, which is scaring like a man eating, blood sucking, heartless monster.. The rugged and horrific night may create a shrill in anyone's mind and kill us in fear for sure..

Adding more to get scared, the heavy wind is blowing with a dangerous sound, which will drain our bloods for sure and may stop the beatings of the heart too... Even our very own breathing sound may scare us, as it's echoing like a thunderstorm to our ears...

The trees are dancing like a fiercy ghost and the place is bringing only negative vibes everywhere... It says only one thing... Darkness... It's like scaring us by saying that something is wrong and something unwanted is going to happen for sure..


A lady dressed up in a wierd clothing, which is torn here and there, is gasping for breath and is running with much difficulty to save her dear life.. Her condition is way too pathetic and it's clear that she is being brutally tortured and is beaten and abused a lot..

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now