40. (Part 2) Checkmate.. Game Over...

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I want to burn myself completely in your anger... I knew very well that the fire inside you will surely rip my body, heart and soul.... But I least care, as this is going to be the deserving punishment for the sins, I have did to you...

All these years, I longed to get your love... But when I got it, I lost you completely... I am now  craving for your attention and I hope that I will get back the love, which I longed for all these years..

I have never been the most important person to anybody... Not even to you, whom I loved dearly with my heart and soul...










These are some of the emotions which Abhi's whole body is going through at that moment... He is in a verge to burst out any a time, as his patience is subdizing with the tickling of the seconds in the clock...

The humble, patient, calm and composed person in Abhishek Prem Mehra is long lost, as he is completely under the spell of his wife, the Rockstar Pragya, who is making him to go crazy... He is losing all the control and is impatiently rolling his eyes here and there to have a glimpse of his Queen...

 He is losing all the control and is impatiently rolling his eyes here and there to have a glimpse of his Queen

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He got back to his senses hurriedly, as he felt a soft kick in his belly... Abhi frowns and looks at his naughty little Miss Muffet, Kiara, who is standing there with a sheepish smile in her face ... She winks and signals towards her brother Krish, who suddenly pushes their father  from the back side, making Abhi to stumble and fall down in the grassy patches...

The twins giggled hardly, shook their bums towards Abhi in a teasing manner and runs out of his sight... Abhi chuckles on seeing his naughty kids, who are also way too excited like him to meet their mother Pragya and is teasing and mocking him on seeing his nervousness and tension...

All Abhi want is to cherish this moment with all his might... He badly wishes that the meeting of their kids with Pragya should be freezed life long... He neither wishes to go back to his worst past nor in a state to face the dangerous future too...

Not in a mood to spoil his present happiness, Abhi lays unmoved on the grassland... Neverthless to say, his eyes had a check on his kids to assure their safety... However, he never fails to wander his eye balls in 360 degrees to check for the needed vision, to quench his thirst....

Just then, Abhi's world froze in a moment and a deep gush of blood rushes through his spine... His hungry eyes are filling the appetite to it's heart felt content... His gaze never moved away from his Darling Wife Pragya, who is swaying her legs like a mermaid...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now