21. The eyes which conveys love...

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No one finds out what has happened to Rocky and what is going on between Abhigya...

So shall we proceed to know what's going on:

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Shot. 21:

Rocky fumes in anger to see the intimate, romantic, hot and passionate performance of Abhi and Pragya for the romantic number sung by Rockstar pragya....

Rocky fumes in anger to see the intimate, romantic, hot and passionate performance of Abhi and Pragya for the romantic number sung by Rockstar pragya

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The producers Mehul and Arhaan along with Purab khanna, pragya's p.a. cum manager cum brother, makes a teasing smirk on looking at Rocky and bursts out into laughter... They starts to mock Rocky for filling his own misery and they taunts him saying that he is a very big loser...

Rocky gritts his teeth in anger and is hell furious on the happenings... He is not in a mentality to believe that he has lost in front of that nerdy Abhishek and his anger roses on seeing Pragya not at all bothering about the intimacy between them and her eyes spoke some different story....

Rocky's pov.:

No... No.... No... How this is possible???? What's going on around me??? Im not a loser anymore....

How dare that abhi to touch my pragya??? Grrrr.... 😠😠😠😠... Bloody bitch... How dare is she to allow that low life to touch her way too intimately???

Why my heart is mocking at me on seeing their closeness??? Why am I thinking me as a loser on seeing their perfect chemistry??? Why am I hell angry on seeing their intimacy???

Why am I bothered this much on seeing pragya with another man that too her own husband??? aarghhhh... 😬😬😬😬😬..  Did I ever loved pragya before??? No right...

All I want is to use her fame and stardom to achieve big in my career and I only lusted her sexy physique... No... No... This is just my illusion and what Im seeing is not at all true for sure...

Why my gut feeling says that pragya is not aware that its her husband Abhishek is acting with her... Yeah... I got it... These all could have cheated pragya saying that its me who is acting with her...

I know very well about my s**y girl pragya... She loves me madly and she will run behind me as a love sick puppy all her life... 😂😂😂😂... How can I forget how she cried hugging me on her suhagraat???

Damn this girl... Escaping from this Rocky's clutches very smartly...
😂😂😂😂... What did she think of me??? Will I leave her just like that???

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now