40. ( Part 1) Checkmate... Game Over...

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Hola peeps!!!!

Finally we are nearing the closure of this story....

Yeah we are in the final chapter of this story... Due to the length constraints, I'm splitting it into 2... Sorry for doing so... Don't worry, will come up soon with the part 2 of this chapter...

As a way to appreciate the support you have given to this story, I'm planning to give You all a bonus chapter and an epilogue..

Expecting all your support in the form of your comments and votes to finish of this story with a happy note...


I did a biggest sin to you and nothing can replace the lost days... I'm regretting for all my doings and I'm ready to accept, any sort of punishments from you...

Love is a good healer, yet it's a bitter medicine...
Love is a life saver, yet it's the worst destructor...
Love is a soothing Melody, yet the lyrics are heart writhing...
Love brings smiles in our faces, yet they are the reason for our tears too...
Love is as delicious as honey, yet it's as  horrible as a deadly poison....

The game is in my court... You have to surrender to me, without any choice... Your game is over... It's your pay back, time... The game of sadness ends and the game of revenge begins...


⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙
( Past incidents)

After watching the babies in the NICU room, Abhi moves towards the ICU in which Pragya is being treated... Requesting the nurse to give him some privacy, Abhi walked towards Pragya, who is in a pathetic and vulnerable state...

Blood tears oozed out from Abhi's eyes and started to wet the dried lips of Pragya, as if a dry land got it's life through the rain

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Blood tears oozed out from Abhi's eyes and started to wet the dried lips of Pragya, as if a dry land got it's life through the rain... He sighs and caress the head of Pragya and kisses her forehead with full of love...

Abhi holds the hand of Pragya, which is connected with IV needle and he massaged it gently... He stares at her for a good long minutes and made the hardest decision of his life to set his wife free, the Rockstar Pragya, to lead her life , as per the way she wished....

Abhi: Rockstar... I'm so sorry... You have faced a lot of worst scenarios in this one year of our married life... You are suffering like this because of my stupidity and the hopeless and lifeless love, I have on you...

I am a biggest fool and I stubbornly believed that my love will change your mentality... But I failed as a husband and I have never created any impact in your heart and soul... After all these incidents, still you can't forget that Rocky na...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now