28. Love is worth waiting and fighting for....

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When people say love is worth fighting for, I used to laugh hard... But when I look into your eyes, I understand it clearly that I'm ready face a big war to get you....

We always hurt, fight and argue with the persons whom we love the most, as it's a way of showing our love and care towards them....

Why to bother about the unwanted reasons that it won't work out at all... Rather just concentrate on the reason, it will work out...


Aaliya is completely startled to see Sid's devastated condition when he entered the class.... She is way too shocked to know that Sid is suffering from heavy fever.... Aaliya forcefully feeds the food, she brought from home and made him to have paracetamol tablet which is in Sid's packet....

 Aaliya forcefully feeds the food, she brought from home and made him to have paracetamol tablet which is in Sid's packet

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Aaliya gave a deadly glare to Sid who tried to stop her... She took him to her home without bothering to hear anything from Sid... She is hell angry as Sid is doing the mistakes again and again without thinking about her feelings and hurting and tortiring both of them....

Aaliya came to know that Sid had been drenched completely in rain the whole night as he thought it's a good way to punish himself for the sins, he had committed... She is furious as Sid is torturing him like this, but not at all repenting or regretting for the mistakes, he had done earlier...

Ro dadi and Sarlama are completely shocked as they didn't expected that Aaliya will bring Sid to the home, all of a sudden... Aaliya made  quick arrangements for Sid's stay without minding the deadly glare of Sarlama...

Aaliya pleads through her eyes on looking at the elders, not to vent out angry on Sid as he is not in a condition to hear any harsh words from them... Ro dadi and Sarlama silently watched Aaliya feeding and taking care of Sid without bothering about what he did with her....

After giving medicines, Aaliya made Sid to lay down on the bed... She covers him with duvet and kisses his forehead... She mutters "Get well soon Sid" and about to move from there, but Sid holds her wrist tightly and pleads through teary eyes asking her not to move away from him....

Aaliya: You need complete rest Sid... Sleep now... Let's talk everything later...

Sid: Aa... Aaliya... 😭😭😭😭... Please... Can you be with me for some time??? I... I want to talk...

Aaliya: Sid... You are making it really hard for me... Leave me Sid... We will talk, but not now... Don't trouble me Sid.... Please...

Sid: 😭😭😭😭... I... I won't trouble you anymore Aaliya... But can you be with me for just five minutes... I... I... I just... just want to pour out, what's it in my heart...

Aaliya: Sid... Let's talk about this later.... You are really not doing good... Doctor had instructed that you need complete rest... Even I took leave from college too... So, don't bother about anything... We will talk after Abhi jiju comes here....

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