7. Fate's tricky game...

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Thanks for all your support... Expecting some more response from you all... Silent readers, hope you all will support me in this story too...

Now to shot. 7:

Abhi is completely horrified and his head starts to spin on knowing the fact that the girl whom he messed up, the girl who bashed and threatened him and tried to kill him is the famous Rockstar Pragya Arora, who is an idol for his brother sid...

The most shocking part of his life is that the same Pragya Arora is chosen as a bride for him and everyone including him accepted for the marriage proposal and the elders are talking to fix the dates, as soon as possible...

Abhi cannot come out of his shock, as he promised to Rockstar dadi and Sarlama that he will marry pragya for sure and also he accepted to stay in the arora mansion and took charge of all the business endeavors of Pragya too...

Abhi is completely worried what will be Pragya's response for this... He fears what will pragya do when she comes to know that the man whom messed up with her all the time is her groom and he also worried that she should not hurt his mother or brother any time because of his behaviour ....

Abhi thought to spill out the truth to everyone... But the happy smile of
Ro dadi, sarlama, purab, bulbul, sid and aaliya makes abhi to back off from saying anything negative as he don't want to spoil their happiness... He takes a big sigh to relax and leave everything as per the play of fate...

 He takes a big sigh to relax and leave everything as per the play of fate

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Abhi felt like a lost soul standing in a dark place with no hopes to live... Suddenly, a bright light flashed on him to make him to feel that his life will be coloured and brightened some day or the other and he has gained a confidence that his good qualities will surely make his would be wife pragya to fall for him one day....


In the other side,

Pragya successfully finishes the concert and enters the green room hell tired

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Pragya successfully finishes the concert and enters the green room hell tired... She is not in a mood to go to her home... She changes her rockstar outfit and wipes her body with the warm towel... She picks up a short, loose short gown and draped in her body...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now