15. You are nothing to me....

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Shot. 15:

The new morning begins with the usual rush ups... Ro dadi, purab, bulbul and aaliya are arranging for the things and gifts as pragya and abhi are going to abhi's house for the phagphera rasam...

Pragya is completely annoyed and irritated with the way abhi is behaving after she wakes up .. Though he did the same for the past two days, pragya finds it very odd n different...

The bright smile that is lingering in abhi's lips is making pragya's blood to boil to the core... The love which is over flowing through his eyes is annoying pragya too much.... She wants to slap him hard but she controls herself that its not the right time to punish him...

 She wants to slap him hard but she controls herself that its not the right time to punish him

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Abhi: Pragya... You are looking very gorgeous and stunning in this saree... Mom will be so happy on seeing you... No one's bad eyes should fall on you...

Abhi keeps the black dot behind pragya's ears and looks at her lovingly and kisses her forehead... Pragya pushes abhi very hard making abhi to stumble as he didn't expected this sudden attack....

Pragya: How dare you??? How dare you to do like this???

Abhi: what did I do???

Pragya: You are annoying me too much from morning... Don't behave as if you are the most caring and best husband in this whole world... Im not a fool to believe your acting..

Remember you are just like a slave for me... Obey your Madam's orders properly and don't ever try to touch me or show your rights on me as if I have given you rights as my husband...

Abhi made a sarcastic smile: Ahaan... Then what were you doing with me in the bed and what's this mangalsutra and kumkum which you are wearing in my name... To my knowledge, a husband and wife has a very beautiful bond and they only share their love physically and intimately...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Don't think like a stupid , you annoying mehra... Are you thinking our physical intimacy in bed as love making??? 😂😂😂😂... Then you are absolutely wrong my slave...

Im fulfilling and satisfying my desire, lust, passion and things which I wished to do with my Rocky... 😂😂😂😂...

Wah.. Wah... 👍👍👍👍... Now only you are looking good... This sad face is what I wish to see from you and I don't want to see your smiling face...

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Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now