20. In His Magical Spell...

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Now to shot.20:

The romantic photo shoot got completed with a big bang

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The romantic photo shoot got completed with a big bang.... The director was really happy with the way the photo shoot went and he congratulates both of them for making the exact spark and chemistry which he expected...

A blushy smile creeps in pragya's face uncontrollably when the director says that he is expecting 100% more intimacy and chemistry in the video album too which is going to rock and make a big sensation in the music industry...

Abhi and pragya nods their heads and went to dress up for the video album which is of a passionate and romantic song sung by the Rockstar Pragya....

Pragya's pov.:

What has happened to me all of a sudden??? Pragya, you are impossible girl

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What has happened to me all of a sudden??? Pragya, you are impossible girl.... Have you gone nuts???? Seriously you have become shameless and how can you do this without any single hesitance????

Huh... God.... How did I do that??? Why I didn't feel any sort of uncomfortable feeling while taking the photo shoot??? Why I didn't bothered about the intimate poses or the short, revealing dresses which I wore at that time???

How is that possible for me??? How did I allowed Rocky to touch me intimately without any hesitation??? My head will burst out in this big confusion...

Why am I having a strong feeling that it is not Rocky and it's abhi for sure??? Why I suddenly feel the warmth and comfortable feeling which I feel only with abhi???

How is that possible??? Abhi and ad shooting.... Pragya... You are completely obsessed and addicted towards abhi... That's why you are reacting like this and thinking it to be abhi...

I think you started to imagine Abhi in the place of Rocky... No... No... I won't do that at all... Even though I am married to Abhi, I still love only my Rocky...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now