38. (Part 1) Love is the beginning and end of everything...

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Read it on your own risk... Strictly no bashing is allowed...

As it's a long chapter, I'm splitting this into two.... ( This part too exceeded 3400+ words)

Hope, you all are okay with it...


My feelings for you are real and it can't be explained in words... I spend most of time thinking about you, rather than thinking of myself...

Distance means nothing to me... You are my everything and I'm damn sure that I will find you , one day...

All I want is to slap you hardly for ditching me and leaving me, alone... I just wish to hug you tightly and jail you permanently in my embrace...


Hot tears were rolling down from Abhi's eyes mercilessly, thinking about the worst past incidents, which pushed him in a living hell... He wanna run back to his wife Pragya, but his guilty state is not letting him to step forward...

To be precise, Abhi is scared to face his whole family, as he knows very well that none of his actions can be justified by any means... More than anyone, he doesn't know how to console and comfort Pragya, whose loss can't be compensated that much easily...

Abhi is in a helpless condition and he didn't initiated any move till now, as he is confused to the core and don't know how to rectify for the sins he committed willingly, in a big misunderstanding... He understands very lately that what he has done is completely wrong and he should be punished for his doings....

Abhi comes out of his trance, as the loud bang in the house door, got his attention... Abhi quickly wipes his  tears and rushes inside the restroom and washes his face quickly... He rubs his face abruptly with a towel and runs to open the door...

Abhi makes a sorry look and holds his ears, as he spots his two kids are glaring at him angrily... Krish started to laugh aloud with a teasing smirk in his face, while Kiara folds her hands and stares at Abhi angrily... Both gestured something  to Abhi and is hell adamant to make Abhi to do it...

Abhi in a meek whisper: Did I need to do that???

Both his kids nods in approval and didn't mind Abhi's pleading looks too... Sighing deeply, Abhi started to do pushups, while Kiara and Krish barges on his back and is giggling happily...

They starts the count down and is hell adamant not to leave Abhi, until he completes 100... This is the peculiar punishment given by the kids, if Abhi didn't welcomed them, when they return from the school...


On the other side,

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On the other side,

Pragya finishes off the boarding formalities and gets inside the business class of the flight... She asked the air hostess not to disturb her and insists her not to allow any fans to meet or trouble her, as she is going to take rest...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now