34. We are distanced with a big misunderstanding...

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Before you assume things, Learn the facts properly...
Before you judge anyone, understand the reason...
Before you hurt someone,
Feel what they will go through...
Before you speak anything,
Think from their view point too...

Love is about, not leaving each other's hands, when there is a misunderstanding...

I can't promise you a perfect relationship between us... But I can promise you that if you are trying, I will be staying with you forever...


Rockstar Pragya is sitting quietly after she returned from the hospital... She is completely dumb struck with the unexpected and unbelievable happenings and she doesn't know how to react to it too....

She is pooled up in varied emotions and she just wanna scream aloud that it's a big lie and it's just her mere dream only... Unknowingly her hands traces her belly, which brings an unknown shiver inside her whole body...

Tears were brimming in her eyes and she quickly composes herself and takes a deep breath to calm her down

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Tears were brimming in her eyes and she quickly composes herself and takes a deep breath to calm her down... The happy smiles, the blessings, the joy in the whole house, is completely suffocating her a lot... She want to cry her heart out, but she is faking a smile and sitting like a feeling less statue...

A very big volcano is erupting mercilessly inside Pragya's heart... She needs sometime to mentally understand that all the things happenings are of real only and she is not at all hallucinating anything...

She badly wànts Abhi to by her side and console her by saying that he did a prank with her, with the help of the doctor and everything is a lie, which he just made to tease her... Her eyes longs to see the man behind all these dramas, but he is clearly escaping from her eyes...

Pragya is completely in a confusion and she is way too quite and is smiling just for the happiness of Sarlama and Ro dadi... No one is in a mentality to understand or think, what Pragya will be feeling at this time...

They were busy in cooking the food, feeding some sweets to her and is happily planning how to welcome the baby... Aaliya, Sid and Bulbul went one step ahead and are keenly discussing about the gender of the baby and  are arguing on whom will pamper the baby, the most...

But the two important men of the house, Rockstar Pragya's husband Abhishek Mehra and her brother Purab, who knows the real Pragya, aren't in the house... Purab has went to attend a meeting with the producers, while Abhi was no where to be found...

As all were busy with Pragya, they failed to notice that Abhi is not in home and none noticed his reaction too properly... They never mind about anything thinking that Abhi would have went to take rest, as he must be tired...


Purab finishes off the meeting and some office works and enters the Arora mansion, with a huge smile in his face... Something in him instructs him to go to the back side of the house....

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now