9. Is it life's biggest mistake, I have done...

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So, the story is going to gear up for the next phase which is the real purpose of this story... Thanks for the support and hope it continues further too...

Sorry for being late... My sincere apologies... Its the votes which are restricting me to come here often as my most voted stories are dragging me there....

Next update will be delayed unless and until it reaches 80-85 votes....

Now without bak baks, lets move to shot. 9:

Abhi is completely startled to hear the venomous words of pragya... He did not expect this words from pragya... All his dreams of getting a happy family is broken into pieces... The cold smirk in pragya's face tells abhi that she is marrying him only for revenge..

 The cold smirk in  pragya's face tells abhi that she is marrying him only for revenge

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But abhi stays calm on seeing the happy faces of ro dadi, sarlama, purab and bulbul... Sid and Aaliya can sense something is bothering abhi a lot... Aaliya rushes before sid....

Aaliya: What's it jiju??? Why are you looking sad and dull???

Abhi: No.... Nothing like that aaliya... Im fine... See how happy I'm... This is my engagement... Why Iv to be sad...

Aaliya: Jiju... Don't try to lie to me... I know about my sis pragya pretty well... Did she talk rudely with you??? How dare she??? Let me go and take class to her...

Abhi: No aaliya... Just calm down... Nothing like you have thought... Pragya is very sweet... She talked to me very nicely...

Aaliya: Oh really.... Even you don't know to lie too jiju... You need to get lot of training from you brother sid...

 You need to get lot of training from you brother sid

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Sid joins them and comes near them and frowns....

Sid: So... what's going on here??? My name is being targeted it seems... What's it bhai??? What's this aaliya saying about me??? Is she praising me or taunting me???

Abhi is about to open his mouth but his eyes falls on Rocky and pragya who are talking happily with each other in a secluded place ... Pragya is not at all minding Rocky's touches and he is kissing her too...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now