33. To love you, is my worst fear...

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I'm hell scared to love you... But I'm terribly scared to be away from you too....

I'm standing with a confusing choice that:
whether I should trust you and love you or
go on in with my assumptions that you are using my weakness for your selfish needs...

I'm not forcing you to love me and be with me always... At least, I had a hope that you will think of me and miss me, when I'm far away from you...


Abhi's pov.:

I couldn't figure out what's going on around me.. Why my life is getting complicated day by day??? Why my fate is so cruel??? Why can't I enjoy this happy moment too???

Really I'm scared and hell bothered with the unexpected twists.. Just some days back, things were going fine and smoothly between me and Pragya.. But, I don't know, what's this unexpected twist and turns which gonna push ourselves into...

This day is full of a surprise package to me... Pragya is so lovable today and she made me way too happy with her behaviours.... Today only I get to know that Pragya is highly possessive on me and whenever she feels jealous and proved to everyone that she is my soulmate, I was in cloud nine...

 Today only I get to know that Pragya is highly possessive on me and whenever she feels jealous and proved to everyone that she is my soulmate, I was in cloud nine

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I was delighted that Pragya has sung a song specially for me and her each and every gestures conveys her love for me... She is driving me crazy and I'm madly falling in love with my Rockstar again and again..

She is really a crazy girl.. Loving me this much madly, but her stupid ego won't allow her to accept this haan... Let it be... I'm not going to feel bad at all and I don't need her confession too... I will cherish this happiness all through my life...

But I couldn't understand, why such things are happening, spoiling the best moments of my life.... I think some one has put black eye on my happiness... To be true, we escaped from the horrible and deadly accident, just by God's grace....

Really couldn't imagine, what would have I done, if anything wrong happened to my Rockstar and that too at this time .... Not only my Rockstar, I would have lost my precious possession too...

Luckily God saved my souls... Yeah... An unexpected and shocking news... My life is growing inside her.... But, I'm in a worst situation that I couldn't feel happy and enjoy that I have become a father....

Huh... My heart is thumping too fast and I couldn't breathe properly too... I'm terribly scared to hell... What will Pragya do, if she knows that she is Pregnant??? Will she hate me thinking that I did wrong to her??? Will she feel that I used her for my selfish needs????

Noooooo... I just can't tolerate that, if she feels that I betrayed her trust... Please Pragya... Don't do this to me... I will accept whatever you say... I'm ready to go far away from you too... But please don't ever say that you don't need this baby at all...

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