Epilogue: (Part 1) Will my Longingness for my Wife ends???

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Very happy and elighted that this story "Longing For My Wife " has become my 7th story to cross 6000+ votes...

Thanks to everyone, who made this to happen

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Thanks to everyone, who made this to happen...

This is one of the most difficult and toughest stories, which I've dealt with...

Every time I post an update of this story, I will feel a panic attack... Only I know how it's hard to potray the Heroine in a negative shade and the most difficult part is that the villain too has the same face as that of the hero...

Ahead of all these, the emotions which I've potrayed in this story... Huh... It's really very hard to write an emotional shot and it's indeed a risky one, as I've to make you people to feel those emotions too... Or else, It would have become a comedy for sure...

Rather, penning down all the feelings in a single chapter is a hectic task for me...

But, the way you all have showered your love on this story is highly remarkable... Words can't explain my gratitude to you all...

If you people haven't supported me, I couldn't have written this much...

Believe it or not... This story has got a peculiar and a wonderful achievement... Other than just 2 chapters (which has 95+ votes) , all the chapters along with  the Prologue and teaser too have got 100+ votes...

It's because of that case, I was able to get 6000+ votes in just 40 shots...

As a sort of Thanksgiving, I'm planning to post 3 parts in the Epilogue... Hope you all will like my thank you gift...

🍃🍃🍃 Dedicating this chapter to all the lovely readers of this story... 🍃🍃🍃


Sometimes, All I do is to Smile, to get rid of the pain in my heart... I used to move on, focusing my attention on the present day, holding back my tears and faking to myself that I'm okay...

I badly want to give you a bitter punishment... It doesn't mean that I am dying to hurt you... But I wish that you should realize the pain I have gone through and you are the one who hurted me, terribly...

I still remember everything you have did to me and nothing can compensate and get rid of the wound in my broken heart... I wish to forget it and focus on the present and future... But the worst past is coming before my eyes and it's not letting me to forgive you easily....


The Arora Mansion is gearing up in full swing, for the much awaited wedding of the famous designers of the country, Siddarth Mehra with Aaliya Arora, the twin sister of the Rockstar Pragya... The long wait of 7 years is going to come to an end and give a meaningful name to the relationship of Sid And Aaliya...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now