Epilogue: (Part 3A) Will my Longingness For My Wife Ends???

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We are in the very last update of this story..

The two and half years journey of the adamant Rockstar and the Naive man is coming to an end...

On June 19, 2017, I have penned down the prologue of  this story and I'm completing this story on November 25, 2019...

On June 19, 2017, I have penned down the prologue of  this story and I'm completing this story on November 25, 2019

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My heartfelt thanks to everyone who have read, voted and commented on this story... Thanks for adding this book in your library... Thanks to all the silent readers too...

If you people didn't have supported,
" Longing For My Wife" wouldn't have worked out at all... The support and love, you all have given to this story is priceless... Words can't explain how much it means to me...

Dedicating this chapter to all the lovely readers of this story....

It's quite a long update... Don't get bored... Read patiently... I hope I will keep up to your expectations...

⚠️⚠️ Contains some shocking and unacceptable scenarios and some dialogues can be disturbing and indigestible too... Some may even feel bad on reading the dialogues used here...

But I want you all to read this only as a story and the dialogues used are crafted, thinking from the speaker's point of you only...

No intention to bash any characters used and don't think me wrong ..

I'm forced to write so, as it will help you to understand the mentality
Of the characters and the situations which are forcing them to do so..

Even I find it very hard to write such dialogues and it took me, more than 2 weeks to write this last epilogue... Huh... A big hard task for me..

Do forgive me, if any scenes or dialogues makes you to feel odd or bad...

Read the shot with your own risk... Strictly bashing is not allowed... ⚠️⚠️

Do press the 🌟 button for the very last time in this story, which will make me so happy... A small kind of appreciation, which I'm longing to see...


The hardest and toughest part of my life is to act like a mere stranger to my Loved ones... Though it hurts me badly, I need to accept this, as it's the biggest punishment for all my doings...

If I can, I will do something to close the distance between us... I'm longing to go back to those lovely days and re-live the moments again...

Deep in my thoughts, I'm concealing myself by not spitting out what's in my heart... I'm scared to confess my feelings to you, after all those sins you have wilfully did to me...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now