16. A lot is there in my heart, which no one can understand....

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Lets move to shot. 16:

Pragya really feels very bad that she left her sasural abruptly... Though she didn't like Abhi at all, she likes her mother in law Sarla, who is no less than a real mom to her, whom pragya is longing to have all these years ...

Pragya wants to be with Sarlama for some more time and she really carves to have some time with her and want to spend time with her brother in law sid too who is a naughty prankster and his fan worshipping always makes pragya to feel happy...

Pragya's love on sarlama cant be explained in words... She feels happy to be with her and she feels herself way too lucky to have such a good soul, who cares for her a lot...

 She feels happy to be with her and she feels herself way too lucky to have such a good soul, who cares for her a lot

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Just days passed since abhi and pragya got married... But rather than abhi and pragya's mysterious cold war and peculiar relationship, sarlama and pragya bonded like a real mother n daughter and pragya finds peace and happy when she is with her....

Pragya sighs and rushes to meet the producer who is way too annoying and suddenly changed the plans of her concert and its been preponed all of a sudden...

She is highly irritated and annoyed as her plan to torture abhi in the name of honey moon goes in hay wire... She grits her teeth in anger and she cant accept the fact that her plan is backfiring...

Pragya barges into the production house and its clear from her face she is not happy at all about the fact with the unexpected things which flops her plan and she boils like a volcano...

But poor pragya doesn't aware of the fact that rocky is the one who is behind all this sudden happenings and this is just his dirty game play to trap pragya and fulfill his long term wish....


Rocky's pov.:

Wah... Wah... You are way too brilliant rocky... 😂😂😂😂... Its all in the game pragya... How long did you made me to suffer??? You are going to be a treat to me today...

What do you think of me pragya??? Am I seem to be a joker to you??? Do you know how cunning and clever this rocky is??? If not, how would I have made you to fall for me and have reached this greater height in a short time...

Im not used to be like this pragya... Im also a good hearted person and I have a lot of principles in my life... But what I got... Nothing... Always I had only rejection as I don't have money... My parents too ditched me and went with the way they want....

Then I changed myself... All I came to know is that I have charm n look which can make any woman to fall for me.. I want to become richer in a short time and I used you pragya as my trump card...

In reality pragya , I faked to love you but truly saying I fall for your good nature and loved you so much... You are the only girl who made my heart to melt...

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