10. The most worst thing happened...

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Thanks for the huge response... Last update is well received by you all and got the maximum votes of 85... I hope it grows further too...

I'm so happy that many are asking me to update this story too... Really I amazed and way too happy that as this story too started to gain all your attentions...

Now to shot. 10

Abhi's pov.:

Life is a full of surprise for me

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Life is a full of surprise for me... I don't know why my fate is playing badly like this ... Im a studious, intelligent, well cultured, obedient and to be frank, Im a naive and an innocent , a nerdy chashmish man who seems to be boring for everyone......

I don't  care about my looks and all... What I care is  my family only and their happiness means the most to me... When our father left us all of a sudden, my maa was completely broken and my brother sid is very small and their cries shattered me a lot... Maa single handedly struggled hard to make us grow...

I understand my responsibilities pretty well and I helped maa in various ways.... I suppress all my desires and wishes... I became more responsible than before... Im always the topper in the class and I got scholarship to complete my studies...

While studying, I take tuitions and many part time jobs to earn... Even I took the responsibility of the house hold works as maa was not well... I did it happily and I made my sid also to pursue his dream course in the top college of the city...

Life was going smoothly for me until I met Rockstar. Pragya.. Im not interested in love and all... I believed a lot in arranged marriage and Iv given the responsibility of my marriage to my maa...

But, I failed in my promise as I started to feel for the girl who touched, hugged and kissed me for the first time... I know very well that our first meet is a very nasty encounter, yet I liked it a lot...

We have met many a times and all were horrible.... I always face the wrath of pragya but I don't know why I madly wants to be with her... I brushed aside my thoughts as I know pretty well that it will never happen...

But. My fate is pretty good as pragya is being chosen as my bride and Ro dadi asked me to come to the aroras after marriage... Maa too accepted it very happily...

I was very eager to meet pragya in person before marriage and convey my feelings to her... But situations were not in my favour as I was quite busy with purab in taking charge of pragya's business works... I heard a lot of praise from sid and maa about pragya...

When I met her happily in our engagement, Im hurted the most as I came to know pragya is marrying me only for revenge and all she has for me is only hatred... She spits all sorts of cursed words on me and moves away from me...

I felt a sharp pain in my heart when my pragya is happily talking with that Rocky and that ba***d is touching her as if she belongs to him... How dare he to touch my pragya?? She is my mine and Im not going to leave her for anyone...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now