18. Mission to trap Rockstar...

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Just 12 more chapters to go....

Yup, its decided... This story will  have a maximum of 30 chapters....

Now to shot. 18 without bak baks:

Purab and the producers Mehul and Arhaan are completely in shock on hearing abhi's condition and they were completely confused to the core and couldn't understand what abhi is upto...

Purab: Abhi... I couldn't get you..  What's the need for all this???

Abhi: Its absolutely needed purab

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Abhi: Its absolutely needed purab... Im doing it for the well being of pragya... I need all your support  in this.... I want to show to the world that a girl will not lose her charms after she gets married too...

Trust me, this plan will surely get succeeded and I will show what that rocky deserves for talking bad about my pragya... Im eagerly waiting to see his defeat... Expecting your support in this... If you're not okay, then leave me....

The producers Mehul and Arhaan agreed to abhi and they assures abhi that all will happen as abhi expected... They shooks hand with abhi and goes out happily after chit chatting with abhi and purab...

After sometime,

Purab: Abhi... Are you hiding anything from me???

Abhi: No.. No purab... Why are you asking like this??? What's the need for me to hide???

Purab: Just answer my simple question abhi... Did you and pragya are living like a husband and wife in true sense??? I hope you understand....

Abhi: Yes... Of course... Why you have such sort of doubt, purab??? I don't know how to explain you purab... We are husband and wife not only legally but physically too...

Purab: Really... Dont try to lie man... I know pretty well about pragya... She is a stubborn girl and Im damn sure she wont forget the bas***d Rocky soon and accept you as her husband...

Abhi: Swear on my maa and ro dadi, purab... I and pragya are not any strangers bonded in a marriage... We were living like a husband and wife in true sense only...

I don't know how to prove you purab... 😊😊😊😊😊.... We took our relationship in the very first day of our marriage... Huh... Purab... How will I prove you????

Purab: Oh my goodness... Its unbelievable man... Really..  you did it abhi... Im so happy now as my pragya starts to accept this marriage and accepted you too...

Abhi: I didn't do anything purab... All credits goes to your rockstar sister pragya only... She is an unbelievable and u predictable girl.... Just some corrections have to be done then and there to bring some sense in her...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now