14. The reason for my hatred....

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I didn't force anyone to read my crazy write ups... Some people are hell adamant not even to vote or comment but they want me to write the story as per their wish..

😂😂😂😂 Am I looking like a fool??? Sorry... I can't change myself for those rude people... I can do anything for my loved ones happiness...

But I don't care or bother about those silly people who are trying to enforce their thoughts on me...

Again and Again I'm telling, I cant change my originally and please dont teach me how to write... This is my style, if you are okay read further or better skip my stories....


No more bak baks.... Directly to shot. 14:

Abhi is deeply involved in his works and forgets that a roaring bull is waiting for him angrily in the home... He forgets to switch on his mobile too, which he switched off when he attended the meeting after settling the issues....

 He forgets to switch on his mobile too, which he switched off when he attended the meeting after settling the issues

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After that abhi is completely engrossed in his work and he forgets to see the time too.... When abhi looks at the time, he horrifies to see the time is nearing 12 o' clock...

Abhi's pov.:

😱😱😱😱 😨😨😨😨... what have you done abhi??? Today you are going to be dead for sure.... Already you came here without the will and wish of pragya...

If dadi has not turned up, she wouldn't have permitted me to step outside the house... Huh... What am I going to do now??? Its almost midnight..

Shall I sit here and continue my work or shall I go home??? God... Never in my life I'm this much confused... My life is completely collapsed after this marriage...

What's your problem pragya??? Why are you behaving like this with me??? What have I done to you??? For heavens sake remember Im your husband... Why can't you see my love for you???

Where am I at fault??? Why are you forcing me like this??? I accept we became husband and wife in true sense but Im not at all happy pragya...

You are forcing and demanding my body as a sort of taking revenge on me... You are hurting yourself pragya and my heart and soul are bleeding on seeing your devastated state...

Don't do this to me pragya... Just look a second with full of love on me... Im ready to be your slave for my whole life... I want you to touch me with love and please don't hurt yourself by forcing like this...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now