I got my schedule in hand and looked at it.Homeroom is room... 206? Where is that?
The bell hadn't rang so I till had a few minutes to find it. I don't want to be late...
I kept walking and walking and looked past classrooms.
202... 204...
Aha! Alas, 206! I'm not early am I? I just wanted to find the classroom real quick so I could remember it.
Of course, since this school is apparently bigger than my last high school, it will be difficult to find classrooms...
I sighed and opened the classroom doors to see just a at least 2-3 students of the class here and the teacher preparing. Meaning that...
I'm early.
Why do I do this to myself?! I could've at least came when the bell rang.
Ring, Ring, Ring
Okay... Now I need to wait for the second bell. If people I believe don't come to their classrooms by the second bell, they're late.
I sat down on one of the furthest back seats of the homeroom and saw students come in and out.
I heard the second bell and students already were seated.
The teacher warmed up his voice and started talking.
"Hello students, I will be your homeroom teacher for this year. As you can see, some students are absent right now. They're are helping some students out so they will be back. We are going to the gym to set up clubs.. Some of you are leaders or part of the clubs so you may help those Juniors and Seniors that are already there. Greet the Freshmen if you're not in a club or join a club if you want.. I'm not doing roll call for now.. Students are out helping so I'll get confuse. We'll do it tomorrow when no one is absent."
The classroom was filled with chatter as we stood up, and out the door.
A girl with powder blue hair and turquoise eyes was beside me walking. I like her hair... It reminds me of the sea..
"Dad look! Waves!""Haha! Yeah, they're splashing!"
I was I believe 5 years old back then..
I sighed softly and turned around to the gym.
The girl with blue hair turned to me and looked at me up and down.
"Hey, I'm Katelyn. You seem like you would make a great teammate for the volleyball team," She smiled softly.
Heh, even if I wanted to, I can't..
"No thanks.. I'm not really a sports girl," I said forcing a smile.
She frowned and shrugged. "At least let's be friends. You seem nice," She started.
"Ha.. You really suck. Your parents left you because you're an idiot. They never loved you. I can't believe I was your friend..."

Thank You.. (Aaron x Reader) SLOW UPDATES!
FanfictionI was broken, I was hurt inside out... No one noticed. I let tears struck down my face and had lack of sleep, no one noticed. I came to school even when I was sick and tired, no one noticed. It was a regular day every single day. I promised myself...