"Ah! Laurence, slow down!" I said to him as he was holding my hand, running inside the mall away from our friends. I blushed a little from the hand contact but that went away as he let go of my hand, and had a huge smile on his face."Sorry.. I got excited," he laughed nervously.
I chuckled. "You're so childish," I said with a smile.
"Y-Yeah uh.. Where do you want to go?"
"Well.. Do you have any stores in particular you like?" He asked me as we started walking.
"Uh.. Not really. I don't really have that much time to go to the mall. But there's this one store where there are manga, anime and Japanese cultured stuff as well as another one which was called something like FAY?" I said which came out as a question."
"Oh you mean FYE. We can go there along with the other store you suggested. I know where it's at. Next to MineStop."
I felt almost down, seeing as I didn't know Axel too well and it was quiet. It would've been more fun if Y/N and I went together.."So.. Aaron uh.. What do you like in particular?" Axel asked me, kinda nervous.
"What do you mean?"
"L-Like uh.. I don't know, anything."
"Video games I guess?"
"Oh haha.. Yeah that's cool. I play some RPG games from time to time when I have enough time.
"Do you the game FF?"
"Yeah! I actually used to play that a lot. I was so good at it."
"Y/N and I play that a lot. We could use a healer if you still have the game."
"Oh I do, it would be great to play it again actually. Uh.. Do you know magnolia online? I'm playing that now when I'm free," Axel said, seeing him more relaxed now.
"Oh yeah I heard of it. I wanted to try it but never actually brought it."
"Oh you should! It's awesome. Maybe I could show you-
He quickly stopped talking and instead laughed a little. "Uh.. I meant maybe if you wanted to come over you know I could show you. You don't have to but it's better than seeing a review online and actually seeing it and playing it for yourself."
"I'm down."
"Yeah, that'd be nice. Y/N actually suggested that game a while I think. Would it be okay if she could come over?"
"Yeah of course! Come to think of it, I only came over to her apartment and she actually never came over mine. I'm just like a few apartments down."
"Oh, what did you do there?"
"Well.. My sister wanted to see her brother and the second time I believe she was sick and I gave her, her assignments that she missed."
"Oh.. That's nice of you."
"Yeah, the least I could do since she stood up for me in front of bullies."
"That's quiet surprising."
"Hmm? Why?" Axel asked filled with curiosity.
"I'm not sure if I should be the one telling you but, she didn't tell me the whole story. But she was involved with some bullies before and I think that filled her with some fear."
Axel turned his head to me and looked surprised, but then turned to his normal expression. "You know now that I think about it, after she confronted my bullies to leave me alone the second time, her legs trembled and she darted to the ground. I thought she was just tired. But.. I never thought something like that."
"Like I said, if she trusts you enough, she'll tell you. She hasn't really specifically told me her past but, she only mentioned some stuff that weren't specifically stated. I'm sure you're a trustful person," I said and gave a smile.
"O-Oh thanks," he said as a little blush came onto his face.
He looks innocent from this angle.
"So Garroth you didn't answer my question from earlier.""Hmm? What question?" Garroth asked in a daze.
"Do you have a crush on anyone? Or have a girlfriend?"
That quickly brought him to his senses and he looked at me weirdly. "You're a 7th grader, supposed to be a 6th grader but still, why is a 7th grader asking me such things? Focus on your video games and studies," he said and flicked my forehead.
"Ow!" I said holding the spot of my forehead he flicked. "What was that for?"
"Don't know. Why are you even asking me that?"
"No reason.." I said annoyed and looked away.
"Do you have a crush and wanted advice from someone older?"
"N-No!" I lied and looked away.
"Mhm, sure. Is it a girl? Boy?"
"I'm not gay!"
"Well okay then.. Who's the lucky girl?"
"No one! I never said I have a crush!"
"Then why are you so worked up over a question? Hmm?" He asked teasingly.
"..." I didn't respond to him, annoyed.
"Haha you don't have to answer. I was just teasing ya."
"..She's Axel's sister."
"Oh. Well that's perfect. Wait until high school and she'll definitely say yes to be your girlfriend."
"I never said I wanted her to be my girlfriend! B-But why high school?.."
"Because that's I guess normally a good time for people to start experiencing dating and I guess when people normally are attracted to others? I'm not sure, but that's when I think it's a good idea to start dating."
"Well two more years then.."
"Haha so I was right."
"N-No! I was thinking of something else."
"Okay Joseph haha."
"Are you getting hungry?" Laurence asked me, taking his wallet out of his pocket."Yeah kind of. I haven't ate out in a while. I feel bad for not taking Joseph out to eat that much now that I think about it. I feel like a bad sister," I said honestly.
"No you're not. Home cooked food is the best. At least he's not a kid who's constantly asking for more."
"Yeah.. He's a good kid," I said smiling. "If it weren't for him, I don't think I would be here."
"You must really love him, that's nice," Laurence smiled. "Anyways, I'll pay."
"Oh I can pay for me."
"No, let me treat you for today. Next time you can treat me."
"Okay fine."

Thank You.. (Aaron x Reader) SLOW UPDATES!
Fiksi PenggemarI was broken, I was hurt inside out... No one noticed. I let tears struck down my face and had lack of sleep, no one noticed. I came to school even when I was sick and tired, no one noticed. It was a regular day every single day. I promised myself...