I was broken, I was hurt inside out... No one noticed. I let tears struck down my face and had lack of sleep, no one noticed. I came to school even when I was sick and tired, no one noticed. It was a regular day every single day. I promised myself...
I was tagged by Kawaiigarrencefor some reason. I have nothing better to do so I'll just do the tag.
1. Do you care what other people think of you?
I do.
2. Middle name?
I don't know.
3. Favorite sport?
4. Best friend?
Uh.. I have a best friend in real life, he's awesome. And if you meant it as an online friend, I would pick Whitechewie
5. Someone you can't live without?
My best friend, G and Kenzie. (whitechewie)
6. Your favorite nickname/name people use for you?
None. I hate nicknames actually. But some nicknames I've been called are Jelly, Jellybean, Emo.
7. Are you more cute or sexy?
None, because the mirror hates me :D
8. What are your preferred pronouns?
She/her sometimes they because.. For some reason I just sometimes don't like being called she/her.
9. Have you ever been asked out?
Welp if you mean it as asked out like hanging out then yeah sometimes. If you meant it as the other way.. Yeah, I have. For some weird reason. Maybe people mistook me for someone else. That's probably it.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight/soulmate?
Uh.. Mostly no because I just believe someone should really get to know someone really well and fall in love with them with the person inside, not he outside. But I do kinda believe in soulmates.
11. What are your top three pet peeves?
1. People chewing with their mouth open. It's gross, so stop it.
2. And I gotta agree with Kawaiigarrencehere. HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE.
3. And.. When someone pushes the Expo marker, the dry erase ones, too hard. It just annoys me so much.
12. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Well, if you consider a sensitive person, or me crying over something small, then sure.
13. Words you say often?
Welp, bleh, wow, why, and I don't know.
Because, I don't know.
14. A picture of myself.
Do you want to see a picture of myself?
Here you go:
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That's right, I've been garbage all along! :D
15. Your favorite picture of another person?
I have one! But I don't think G would want a picture of himself where people could see. And I photoshopped him so he had cat ears and a tail so.. Yeah. But here's my second favorite picture of another person!
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(I don't have any pictures of Harry Styles so I just searched for one) HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THIS CINNAMON ROLL FULL OF SWEETNESS?? T_T He's just one of the purest people on earth. He gave pizza to homeless people, he has merch that saids "Treat people with kindness", he's awesome, he's sweet (Sweeter than any candy.), he LOVES his fans, he grew his hair out to donate it (As well as for as for Hollywood I think), and he worries about his fans and he's just.. Amazing. You cannot dislike him.
16. Favorite hobby?
I don't know. Watching anime, playing guitar. Something like that I guess.
17. Role model?
Harry Edward Styles
18. Who is the best person you know?
My best friend G.
19. Crush?
Er.. I have two crushes lol. A girl and G. But if you wanted to know the crush that would actually break my heart if I heard they were in a relationship with someone, it would be G. The girl I just really like her. She's just awesome and it's a small crush. I wouldn't mind if she didn't like me back. I don't care to be honest lol.