New Book Idea?

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We laughed, we joked around, we messed around, we got in trouble together, we cried together, we played video games videos...

Those memories flashed in the back of my head.

Those were the times I cherished the most and thanked God/Irene for the greatest gift I received.

You were the other half of my heart, and it just broke in half as I saw you leave through the door without your back turned back.

It made my heart sank to the bottom of the deep sea as you sailed through the ocean, alone.

Tears gushed down the floor, making a huge mess to the cleaned, wooden floor.

I was in disbelief at the sight of you leaving. I didn't believe it. I thought this was a nightmare...

...It was a nightmare.

I put my arms around you from the back and kept yelling "Don't leave!"

We cried together there... That was a memory I always kept. You didn't turn around but just stood there, petrified in your place, unable to go. 

Because of me...

You had to go.

You don't understand how much I suffered on that day, unable to go outside, to school for weeks...

I wonder how you're doing nowadays...


So, what do you think? A mysterious story huh?

I don't know what the outcome of this would be but, I think it's interesting...

Now, the main character is, I don't know! Reader or someone.

The character that the MC was trying to stop leaving is either going to be a brother, lover, father, best friend. It can be ANYONE.

I don't know what I'm going to turn this story into. Maybe like a fanfiction of some sort x Reader type...

...Or my own book idea of a mysterious romance or just like teen fiction or something like that.

But the most important part is...

...Would YOU enjoy reading it? Even if it wasn't a AaronxReader?

This is off topic of the new chapter I'm writing! Anyways, let me know. I'm super duper curious.

Thank You.. (Aaron x Reader) SLOW UPDATES!Where stories live. Discover now