Christmas Special

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So.. I didn't know what to make for the Christmas Special since I wasn't planning on doing one. But, since I feel like writing for some reason, I might as well make one! I don't know what exactly I'm doing but since this is a Aaron x Reader.. Might as well do that. No lemons though or more than.. Anything weird. Please no.

Joseph and I were were in our living room, with Axel and Oprah, since those two usually spent their Christmas alone as well. It was like we were a family. It was nice. Joseph seemed really happy to have Acela dm Oprah over too, since we usually spent ours by ourselves.

Axel and I each made a grand dish and Oprah and Joseph made some sweets and sides.

Together, we made a Christmas Eve dinner, as we would stay up till midnight to open our presents. It was something we always did on Christmas Eve.

We had the dinner table laid out with ribs instead of turkey (Or whatever you want for the main dish) With some sides like mashed potatoes and cheesy potatoes, which Axel came up with. We had some pie and cookies as well. This made up our small Christmas feast.

Aaron said he lives alone and he was going to visit his family for Christmas. But..

"Hello?" I answered the phone as I was cut off with a conservation with Axel. He had his arm around me, but I know he only sees me as his best friend.

"Oh uh Y/N. Hey.. So, I got into an argument with my family."

"Oh no, what happened?"

"Well, my mom and father were going to host a huge party for Christmas and I thought we were going to finally spend some time together. I told them maybe we could spend some quality family time but instead they refused, that by having this party, they could have some companies working with them."

"So, you're not going to travel over?"

"No, there's no point really. I sent my presents to them by mail anyway so they should get it."

"So what are you going to do then?" I asked him worried.

"I was thinking, if you don't mind, maybe I could spend Christmas with you guys? I know you said Axel and his sister were going to spend Christmas with you and Joseph so I thought maybe I could join? If you don't mind that is. I even made a food dish and presents for all of you."


"Oh of course! I would love for you to come and spend Christmas with us! That'd be awesome!" She said excitedly.

I could feel my face heat up a bit by the word 'love' and I shook my head, wondering what was wrong with me.


"So I'll come over in a few minutes then. Again, thanks."

"Yeah, no problem at all. You don't have to thank me at all," I said with a smile, excited for him to come over.

"Alright then. See you then."

"See ya!"

He hanged up the phone first and I smiled to myself. I got his present here actually, and I was planning to go over to his apartment tomorrow to give it to him but, now I can give it to him at midnight.

"What are you smiling about?" Axel asked, as he pulled his arm to his side from around me.

"Well.. Aaron is coming! Ah, you should've invited that girl you lik-

"No!" He said with a blush and shook his head repeatedly. "I-I don't like her!"

"Mhm. You know it's really obvious right? You're blushing so hard and you keep stuttering," I laughed. "I remember you almost fainted when I made you talk to her. Good times."

Thank You.. (Aaron x Reader) SLOW UPDATES!Where stories live. Discover now