Laurence and Garroth said I could invite Joseph and others if I wanted. So, I decided to invite Axel and Aaron but..U/N: FC!!! Wanna go to the park with a few friends of mine??
FC: I wish I could but, I'm visiting my parents right now.. Maybe some other time? Plus, we need to raid this dungeon later!
U/N: Alright I understand. But yeah, let's do it! Oh by the way, maybe you and I could go out?
FC: Uh. Go out?..
U/N: Yeah! Like to hang out.
FC: Oh that.. Yeah sure. We could go to the arcade or something.
U/N: Sounds cool! ^^ I'll be looking forward to it. You're going down.
FC: Ha. In your dreams. Anyways, gtg. See ya.
..He was at his parents' house.
It disappointed me but I just shrugged it off.
Joseph and I came to the park a little early and waited while Axel, Garroth and Laurence came.
Joseph sat down on the bench and seemed to be texting Oprah while I just tried to drain out the past memories.
"You're so useless, worthless and a murderer! I wish you were never born!"
"M-Mom but-
"Don't call me mom. I am disgusted by you."
I sighed out loud and closed my eyes, trying to stop thinking of that.
"I heard she's a murderer. I hope she doesn't murder any of us."
"Irene she is scary looking.."
"Be careful around her. She's anti social as it is. She has no friends ever since Ivy found out that she murdered her own father and her mom left her alone. If I were her mom, I would definitely have left her as well."
"I hope she gets the message and leaves."
Ever since rumors started going around, a smile was never on my face.
My desk was filled with words in it.
"Go die in a hole."
"Worthless crap."
"Shitty trash."
"Go to hell."
I just wiped it and sat down, without any problem. Everyone seemed to be scared of me and no one talked to me.
The teachers seemed to not be aware of the rumors and didn't pay attention.
I really wanted to stop going but..
As long as Joseph is still here,
I have to remain in order to make his life worth living. I don't want him to go through what I went or what he went through again.
I came back to reality as I saw Garroth, Laurence, and Axel in front of me with Joseph looking at me concerned at my side.
"Are you alright?" Joseph asked me with worried eyes.
I looked at him and saw his past self, crying and bruised up.
There, I could see my past self reaching out to him, not knowing what to do.
She always used to hit him when he didn't do something right..
I was a bad sister to let her do that and be traumatized and not know what to do.
I patted his head and gave him a small smile.
"I'm fine, Joseph," I replied back to make him not worried.
Of course I'm not fine..
"Ah. That's good. Your friends arrived by the way," Joseph said eyeing them suspiciously except for Axel. "I only like Axel. He's like a brother to me. He's awesome," Joseph said as he hugged Axel's left arm.
"Joseph, this is Garroth and Laurence. They're really nice people. They actually helped me through some hard times you know?"
Joseph's eyes immediately turned soft and he looked at them all. "Then.. It's nice to meet you all. If my sister thinks you're nice then I'll trust her word. Make a single mistake and you won't see her again."
"Why do you like Axel then? It's unfair," Garroth complained.
"Because Axel is trustworthy and his sister is my best friend so I know for sure he's awesome."
"Don't worry, he's like that now since a while ago. By the time he'll be nice to you all," I said calmly.
Laurence came by my side and pulled out something from his pocket. "Here, Cadenza made extra chocolates so I thought I would give you some," Laurence said as he handed me a small bag with chocolates with a red ribbon wrapped around, ending with a pretty bow.
My eyes sparkled and I took them, as I smiled at Laurence. "Thanks Laurence! I never really got a gift from anyone before.. It really means a lot even if it's a little bit," I said as I was feeling happy all of a sudden of the chocolates.
"Oh uh.. It's no problem.. If you want, I could ask my sister to make more chocolates or I could make some.. I'm a pretty great cook. You seemed so happy by the gift even.." Laurence said looking away a bit, a tiny of red on his face.
"Ah you don't have to but, thank you."
"Ah!" Axel said and walked over to me.
"A-Ah.. Sorry I don't know what came over me," Axel said embarrassed.
"Anyways, I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to a cafe I saw later. It'd be nice," Garroth suggested. "Plus it'd be a great way to get to know Joseph better.."
Garroth and Joseph seemed to be in a deep conversation while Laurence, Axel and I just talked a bit.
"Y/N and I live in the same apartment building and we always walk to school together," Axel said.
"Hmph.. Well, Y/N and I have homeroom AND Art class together," Laurence smirked at him.
"Her brother and my sister get along!"
"My sister once had a sleepover with Y/N!"
They seemed to be fighting at this point and I didn't know what to do.
"No one wants to be friends with you!"
I looked at them all, talking to each other. Axel and Laurence fighting while Garroth and Joseph seemed to be talking about some stuff.
"You don't deserve anyone."
I looked back at Laurence and Garroth.
Laurence saved me after that incident and Garroth even gave me another chance..
They both still stuck around me all the time.
He's a good friend. He still remained my friend after what horrible things I did to him and hurt him.
He knows if something is wrong with me and cheers me up. He's awesome.
She became friends with me even if I seemed like the worst kind of friend she could have. So did Katelyn.
Do I..
Really deserve such friends?

Thank You.. (Aaron x Reader) SLOW UPDATES!
FanfictionI was broken, I was hurt inside out... No one noticed. I let tears struck down my face and had lack of sleep, no one noticed. I came to school even when I was sick and tired, no one noticed. It was a regular day every single day. I promised myself...