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--3 months later

The boy was lost in thought as the memory played on repeat in his mind. It was the only thing running through his mind and it was starting to drive him insane. He was so lost in thought he didn't even realized he was asked a question.

''What?'' He asked snapping out of his thoughts and looking up at his father who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

''I asked if you're feeling okay. You seem a little out of it.'' Mr Park repeated himself because his son didn't hear him the first time.

''Oh, yeah, of course I am.'' Jimin plastered a fake grin on his lips but his father still wasn't convinced. ''I just have a lot on my mind.''

''Son, if something is bothering you you can tell me.''

''It's nothing. I'm just nervous about school tomorrow.'' The boy lied with another fake smile.

''I know it's a lot to handle. From your mother leaving, to the moving and now leaving your school and all your friends behind. But I just think it's for the best.''

''It's okay dad, I understand. You're just doing what we need.'' Jimin said one thing but meant the exact opposite. He hated the fact that he had to move, sure the boy wasn't exactly happy while living in Tokyo but it didn't mean he wanted to move back to the town he used to live in as a kid. And on top of that he will start attending a private school for as he said himself ''spoiled brats like myself''.

His parents never had the perfect relationship but Jimin never thought his mother would cheat on his father. But that is exactly what happened.

Jimin's father was a successful business man who owned his own company, which Jimin will one day inherit and his mother was a former model who now owned her very own fashion line. So as expected, his parents weren't around much. But it wasn't always like that, until the age of 8 Jimin's parents were very present in their son's life. They kissed him good night and woke him up every morning, they were a pretty close family. But then suddenly they moved and business trips and meetings started appearing more and more often and before Jimin knew it he only saw his parents on holidays and birthdays.

With the exception of tonight of course. Jimin and his father were having dinner together before his father had to leave to go back to Tokyo. He promised his son he was only going to be away for a week or so and afterwords Jimin hoped he will stay with him for at least a while.

It was lonely being an only child. All alone in a giant house with nobody to talk to, but then again it was no better for the boy when his parents were around. Although he didn't want to admit it he had no idea who his parents were anymore. He barely saw them and when he did it just wasn't the same, he felt as if they forgot they still have a kid who needs his parents. Although Jimin was 17 years old he still needed his parents.

But at the same time, with no parents, Jimin had no rules. He could do whatever he wanted, of course that mostly consisted of the boy binge watching TV shows instead of doing school work but at least he didn't get scolded for it.

Jimin just turned 17 last month, and like most teenagers, he has no idea what he's doing with his life. The last time he even left the house was when he and his father moved into their new house, they moved in a month ago. All he has been doing ever since is watching TV, reading and sleeping. But nobody could really blame him for the state he was in. His life just flipped upside down, he may have been used to not seeing his parents a lot but when he did at least they got along, at least they loved each other. But now that he thought about it his parents most likely fought when he fell asleep.

Ever since Jimin could remember he has always admired his mother. From the way she spoke to simply the way she walked. He thought she was the most elegant woman there ever was and he wished he will one day marry a girl like her. Well that was until he found out that he didn't actually want to marry a girl. His parents of course supported his sexuality, simply saying that ''love is love''.

But Jimin didn't like the word love. As his grandfather once told him ''love is like a spoon of shit topped with sugar. In the beginning there is that sweet taste, but when the sugar is gone all you're left with is shit. Now you either choose to keep tasting the shit or spit it out.'' And Jimin guessed most people choose the latter. At least his parents did.

Jimin's grandfather may have been and alcoholic-man-whore, who owned his very own strip club but he still made a valid point in the boy's opinion.

''Jimin? You still there?'' His father forced his son to snap out of his thoughts once again.

''S-sorry.'' The younger stuttered looking down at his plate.

''Son, if you're that worried, I can delay my flight and drive you to school tomorrow.'' His father offered with a small smile. ''Besides Min Bongyoung-your new principle, is an old friend of mine, you probably don't even remember him, but he has a son your age the two of you used to play together when his family would come to visit. I've been meaning to contact him since we've moved back.''

''No that's okay, I'll be fine.'' The boy said with another fake smile. ''Have you d-decided what you'll invest in yet?''

Although he barely believed it at first, Jimin's father promised him he'll be staying with him a lot more now. It was in his opinion a lovely, wealthy community he could invest in and get something out of. At first Jimin thought it was just ''in the moment'' talk but once he saw him looking around town, joining the country club and finding great businesses he could fund he realized his father may just start living here with him.

''Well the school looks like it's losing it's old touch. Maybe I'll help and make it the best possible educating system for my son.'' Mr Park spoke kissing up to his son.

''You want me to see how the school is like and judge if it's worth it, don't you?'' Jimin asked with an unamused tone in his voice.

''If there's anything you don't like, we'll change it. Of course if you want me to fund it.''

''I-I haven't even seen it yet. I'll get back to you on that.''

''Well after everything that's happened in the last few months, I will do anything I can to make your life perfect.'' His father said with a warm smile, but it didn't comfort the younger one bit as his mind reminded him of the events all over again.

''I should get some sleep, it's getting late.'' Jimin said as he started feeling uncomfortable. He stood up from the dinning and walked over to his father who pulled him into a hug.

''I'll be back as soon as possible okay?'' He assured his son as he ran a hand through his raven hair. The boy just nodded as he closed his eyes savoring the warm embrace he hasn't been in for far too long already. ''Get some sleep kiddo.'' His father said ruffling his hair before pulling away from the hug.

''Have a safe trip.'' He murmured with a small smile.

''Goodnight Jimin.''

''Goodnight dad.'' He said back and turned on his heel to walk out of the kitchen.

''I love you.'' His father said but he just pretended as if he didn't hear it and kept walking until he made it to his room.

Considering he has barely just unpacked his room was plain. No pictures or posters anywhere. Once he showered he changed into a pair of sweats and a white tee and laid down in his bed. He started at the ceiling until he fell asleep.

Love Will Destroy Us  //  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now