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Jimin was faced with a challenge, find clothes from Yoongi's closet that don't look like he just woke up and went to school in his pjs. Don't get him wrong, Yoongi made it work but we've already established that no matter what Park Jimin dressed to impress.

So after about 20 minutes the boy found himself an outfit that was acceptable to show up to school in. He finally made his way into the bathroom, he took a quick glance at the mirror and sighed disappointingly. His hair was a mess, dark stains around his eyes from the leftover eyeliner and his abs were in the boy's opinion hardly noticeable.

''I shouldn't have skipped my work out.'' The boy sighed as he stripped himself of his boxers and stepped into the shower. After about 20 minutes of showering which consisted of 5 minutes of trying to figure out how the hell you turn on the water the boy finally got out and got dressed into the black dress pants he knew Yoongi has never and never will wear in his entire life then slipped on a white sweater, tucking it in in the front. He quickly fixed his hair up a bit, parting it in the middle and finally exited the bathroom. As he walked he could feel the pants were tight and he hated that.

''Finally princess can we get going now.'' The older groaned as he got up from his bed.

''Do you have any shoes I can borrow?''

''What's wrong with the ones you wore last night?'' To that the younger gasped and Yoongi knew in an instant, he fucked up. ''And here we go.'' He murmured to himself.

''Who in their right mind would put dress pants and combat boots together? Do you want Joan Rivers to come back from the dead just so that she can make fun of my outfit?''


''Why do I even try with you.''

''You can always walk to school, in nothing but your underwear and that Gucci leather jacket of yours.'' The older suggested but the younger completely ignored him as he tried to decide what to do.

''I need a different outfit.''

''Hell to the no, if I'm late one more time I'm getting an F which means coach will put me on the bench for the entire semester. Look if your having a pants emergency then just wear the jeans you wore last night I threw them in the washing machine they should be clean by now.''

''That's actually not a bad idea.'' The older was slightly taken aback by the fact that the younger actually liked the idea and was not going to argue.

''Alright I'll go get them for you.'' He said leaving the raven alone.

And so another 10 minutes went by and the pair was going to be late if they didn't hurry. Yoongi had to almost drag Jimin out of his house because the boy was looking for a pair of sunglasses to wear... In the middle of November.

Due to his jacket being ruined he had to wear one of Yoongi's and although it was comfortable he couldn't help but to sulk over his mother's birthday present for him that was now ruined. The pair finally managed to sit down in the older's car and drive away to get to school. On the way there Jimin was looking though his phone to see how many new followers he had gained and the amount of pictures he was tagged in. He had to admit Tae's was the best one, mostly because that was the only one he remembers taking the others you could see the boy was already intoxicated and did not have a clue what was going on. He still looked presentable though. Which was something he was thankful for.

''So what's up with the stuttering?'' Yoongi suddenly spoke causing the younger to look at him confused.

''What do you mean?''

''Yesterday you couldn't even form a proper sentence in front of me and today you're acting as if we never got separated for 10 years.''

''I wasn't sure if you remembered me.'' The raven smiled sheepishly making the older coo.

''Aw is my little ChimChim that shy?'' He joked while pinching the younger's cheek only for his hand to be slapped away seconds later.

''Hands on the wheel.'' The younger said back with another pout.

''I seriously don't understand how you can change your entire personality in a blink of an eye and all I had to do was sleep with you.'' With that the older's eyes went wide and he looked over at his childhood friend in horror.

''D-did w-we...'' He couldn't finish his sentence but the older knew what he meant.

''Dude what the hell, no. I'm not a rapist.'' The older said back with a glare. ''Oh and trust me, if we did have sex, you wouldn't be able to leave the bed.'' The older smirked causing the younger to blush.

''Wait, Yoongs, are you gay?'' The raven asked confused.

''Nope.'' The older casually replied as he parked in the school's parking lot. ''Alright Chim lets go I can't be late.'' He spoke up patting the younger's thigh before getting out of the car making the younger follow behind.

It was when they made it to the hallways of the school the younger realized he didn't even have a pen and a notebook with him to take notes in. So automatically he froze in panic.

''What now? Do your socks not match your underwear?'' The older sighed getting a bit impatient considering the warning bell was about to ring.

''I don't have anything with me. I don't even know which class I have right now.'' The younger started panicking.

''Shit... Wait you're in the same class as Tae right?'' The younger only nodded as he continued to quietly panic. ''I'll call him and ask him which class he's in right now.'' The older spoke in a soothing voice noticing the raven was panicking. He called their friend who quickly told him which class he was in so Yoongi led the younger to his class, rushing due to the bell that was going to ring any second now.

Finally they saw Tae standing in front of a class room waiting for his friend they rushed over to him and before anyone could greet anyone the oldest spoke.

''He's all yours. I gotta get to my own class now. See you at lunch Chim.'' He whispered the last sentence into the younger's ear and slapped his butt before running down the hall to get to his class on time. The raven was left with a blush as he looked at his friend who had a smirk plastered on his lips.

''Oh you have a lot of explaining to do young man.'' The blonde spoke with an amused tone as the two walked into class and took their seat.

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