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''Tae, I'm tired.'' Jimin whined as he threw himself onto his bed, ignoring the bags he crushed while doing so.

''Jimin you've been telling me you'll decorate your room for 6 months already and I am tired of your shit, get your ass up we're decorating your room.'' Taehyung replied as he slapped the older's butt making him yelp.

''Hey, don't do that.''

''My bad, forgot that belongs to Yoongi hyung.'' The younger teased making Jimin blush.

''Stop that.'' He whined again.

''Never.'' The younger grinned happily and pulled his friend up into a sitting position. The pair just got home from shopping and Taehyung got this great idea on how to decorate Jimin's wall to make the room look less empty.

The pair put away the bags and the clothes they bought and Taehyung took out the envelope of pictures Jimin went to get made. They were pictures of their group of friends, some selfies and basically every picture on Jimin's phone that the boy liked, along with a few polariods that Jin allowed him to have.

''Alright, how are we going to stick them up?'' Jimin asked his best friend.

''We can go by color, put the same colors together?'' The younger suggested.

''Sure, lets go with that.'' And so the pair got to work. They started separating the pictures by colors.

''Hey when did you take this picture?'' Taehyung asked as he held up a photo for the older to see.

''Oh, that's from my first day at the school, I don't remember when Yoongi and I took the photo but it was the only non blurry photo from that night and I like it.'' The younger explained as he smiled at the picture.

''You guys look cute.'' Taehyung smiled as well as they continued sorting out the pictures.

''Oh, do you remember this?'' Jimin smiled as he showed the younger the photo. It was a picture of Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook the trio was hugging each other and each had a red cup in their hand. The picture was taken by Lisa at Hoseok's chirstmas party.

''Oh my God I still had blonde hair.'' The younger commented.

''And I still had black.''

''Welp, Kookie still looks the same.'' Taehyung joked as he looked at the picture. His eyes fell on the former raven and his smile dropped. ''You were so skinny in this picture.'' He said in a sad tone. ''I can't believe that was 4 months ago.''

''Well I stopped, I'm healthy now.'' The older assured with a smile on his face. It took the boy 4 months and a lot of force feeding done by Yoongi and Taehyung but he was at a normal weight for a boy his age and he was happy about that. Of course he still worked out and eat healthy but it wasn't for the same reasons as before.

''I know... But still, how the hell did time pass so quickly?''

''I have no idea.'' The older sighed. ''School ends in two months.''

''And next year we're Juniors. Oh my God Hobi will have to pick a college next year.'' The younger panicked making Jimin chuckle.

''Dude we're old.'' He joked.

''Before you know it we'll be roommates in a retirement home.''

''Oh my God, we're gonna be roommates?'' The older asked excitedly.

''Of course, who else can handle my crazy ass 24/7.'' Taehyung joked making the pair chuckle.

''I'm pretty sure Yoongi would demand a single room or else he would smother Hoseok with a pillow while he slept.''

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