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Jimin was standing in front of his mirror while fixing his shirt. His hair was parted and pushed back, his black shirt was tucked into his black trousers and his fake boyfriend was wrapped around him and leaning his chin on his shoulder.

''My fake boyfriend looks so handsome tonight.'' Yoongi teased.

''You're taking this way too seriously.'' The younger spoke unamused as he turned around to face Yoongi.

''Just getting comfortable around you, I want my dad to actually believe it.''

''I still don't get why you want your dad to see us dating.''

''Look, ever since he's found out about 'us' he's been letting me get away with so much shit and honestly I think the only reason he's that fine with it is because you're the person I 'like'.''

''And how long do you expect me to do this?''

''Just for a bit then we can say we weren't ready to be together and we'll stay just friends.''

''Why did I agree to this.'' The younger whined.

''Don't worry everything is gonna be alright, as long as you don't fall in love with me.''

''Oh trust me, I'm not the love kind of type.''

''Then we're on the same page.'' The older smiled and pecked the younger's lips leaving him as shocked as the last time. ''Try not to react like that if I kiss you in public.''

''I can't believe I'm actually doing this.'' The younger murmured as he pried himself away from the older and slipped on his blazer.

''You ready to go?'' To that the younger only nodded and lead his fake boyfriend out of the house.

The drive to Yoongi's house was quiet until the raven finally found the courage to speak up.

''About y-yesterday...'' He trailed off.

''What about it?'' Yoongi knew exactly what Jimin meant when he said that but for some reason he just liked making the boy blush and stutter nervously, he just found it so amusing how the boy could go from the queen of sass to the shyest little mochi, so he pretended to be oblivious.

''T-the kiss...'' The younger tried not to stutter but failed.

''Oh, you meant the thirty minute make out session.'' The older attempted to make the younger blush and succeeded.

''Y-yeah... That.''

''What about it?''

''A-are we allowed... t-to kiss e-each other... e-even though w-we're not r-really dating?''

''Why Chim, you wanna kiss me?''

''N-no, y-you k-kissed me first.''

''So? It was just a kiss, don't tell me you're already falling in love?''

''Stop saying that I don't want to fucking fall in love and I won't because that is a load of fucking crap!'' The younger shouted catching the older off guard.

''Damn I was just joking, what's making you so hostile?''

''I told you, I don't do love.'' Jimin spoke in serious tone and the older knew he wasn't lying due to the absence of his stuttering.

''And I told you we're on the same page about that.'' Yoongi replied never taking his eyes off the road. After a few more minutes of silence the pair finally reached their destination. ''You can do whatever you want as long as you don't plan on getting attached.''

And with that Yoongi got out of the car and walked to the other side of the car to open the door for his fake boyfriend. And with that the realization that he was going to have to speak to people hit the raven and his eyes went wide.

''What?'' The older asked noticing the scared younger.

''I-I just now realized t-this is a public event.''

''Shit, don't tell me you're going to stutter?''

''I-if I'm uncomfortable I-I stutter.'' The younger snapped back but was pulled out of the car anyway.

''Look everything is going to be okay, if you get nervous just take my hand.'' And instantly the younger took his hand earning an arched brow from the older.

''Y-you said if I was nervous.'' The younger shyly murmured.

''Alright, lets go.'' Yoongi said as he shut the car door and handed the key to the driver which was waiting to park his car. ''Dad's already here and in case you see anyone from school just greet politely we all just pretend we're friends for the sake of our parents.''

''H-how often are you here?'' The question came out almost as a whisper but due to how close the pair was standing Yoongi could still hear him loud and clear.

''Sadly... Every Sunday. You and your dad will probably be joining us often, at least that's what I heard my dad say.'' To that the raven on rolled his eyes and let his fake boyfriend lead him inside and to where they were supposed to meet his family.

As they walked inside hand in hand all eyes were on them, Jimin's grip tightened due to all the attention that was on them, the older made sure to give him a reassuring squeeze then led them into the room where they would be dinning tonight.

''Jimin?!'' An all to familiar voice called out his name and with that the said boy knew this was going to be a long night.

Love Will Destroy Us  //  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now