(say the name) 17

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''So Jimin you just moved here, right?'' At the mention of his name the raven froze. He knew it would happen sooner or later but he wasn't ready to be questioned by adults he didn't know. A hand was placed on his thigh to calm his nerves and the boy was very thankful he and Yoongi were sitting together.

''O-oh, y-yes mam.'' The raven tried to reply as politely as possible to the lady sitting opposite of him.

''Where did you live before that?''

''T-Tokyo, Japan. B-but I was born here.''

''Oh, interesting. So how did you and Yoongi meet?''

''We knew each other as kids and reunited on his first day of school.'' It was Yoongi who spoke up this time.

''And how did this happen? Yoongi I never saw as one to date boys.'' The man sitting next to the woman spoke up.

''Well, it just happened.'' The said male shrugged.

''But... I just don't get it. What happened to that girl you were with not long ago?'' As the man mentioned a girl Yoongi's grip on the raven's thigh tightened.

''Dad.'' Hoseok spoke up sending his father a look.

''I'm sorry, I'm just trying to understand the situation.'' The man spoke back to his son. ''I mean are there really no girls in this town that spark your interest?'' The man spoke to the brown haired boy who released his grip from the raven's thigh and faked a smile.

''Actually, Mr Jung, I like both boys and girls and no, no girls sparks my interest at the moment. But Jimin does.'' As he spoke he took the raven's hand and intertwined their hands for Mr Jung to see.

''Well I for one am happy as long as you're happy son.'' Mr Min patted his son's back, feeling bad that his son had to deal with people like that.

''That's all that really matters in the end. Our children's happiness.'' Mrs Jung spoke up placing a hand on her son's shoulder and sending him a small smile.

After that the attention turned from the new couple to some adult talk none of the teenagers sitting at the table really listened to, the raven was staring down at his food trying his best not to give in and eat.

''Why aren't you eating?'' The question he was dreading to hear all night.

''I-I lose my appetite when I'm nervous.'' The raven murmured only to earn a questionable look.

''What are you nervous about. Just eat.'' Just eat, if only it was that simple, at least to the younger it wasn't. But the older's gaze was burning into his soul and he knew Yoongi was going to get suspicious if he didn't eat. So with a shaky hand and brought the food to his mouth and took a small bite, his eyes glued to the older's the entire time.

Once he swallowed the bite he quickly took another one and another one and another one all until the plate was empty and his fake boyfriend was giving him a small smile.

''See, I knew you were hungry.'' The older smiled and pinched his cheeks as the younger faked a smile. Although he felt full and much better then he usually did on an empty stomach he knew the pain would start soon. The cramps from not eating too long and if he was unlucky he was going to have to throw it all up. ''Do you want more?''

''N-no, I-I'm full now.''

''You sure?'' The younger just nodded and smiled.

And so the evening ended not long after that. The pair had to say goodbye to every one of the guests they had dinner with. Yoongi convinced his father to let him stay at the raven's house, because he was too lazy to drive back home while the raven tried to ignore the pain in his stomach.

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