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The Parks finally arrived to their destination. The entire ride they shared some small talk and laughed at a few jokes and the raven felt happy that he and his father were getting along well. But the happiness was replaced with an anxious feeling when they made to it his 'boyfriend's' house.

The raven was greeted by a pair of soft lips the second he stepped into the house.

''Hey baby.'' A familiar voice filled his ears and a hand wrapped around his waist.

''Bongyoung it's good to see you again.'' Mr Park greeted as the pair exchanged a handshake and a pat on the back.

''Yoongi go tell your brother and sister our guests have arrived.'' Mr Min ordered his son.

''I'll be right back.'' The said boy told the raven leaving him alone in a room with only adults.

''Jimin.'' A voice called from behind him causing the said boy to turn around only to be met with a woman he's never seen before. ''I don't think we've met before, I'm Min Gayeon, Yoongi's step-mother.''

''N-nice to meet you.'' The raven bowed politely as he tried not to stutter.

''Oh such a sweet boy you are.'' She smiled happily. ''Come with me, lets leave those two to catch up.'' She said meaning his father and Mr Min and led the raven into the living room where three people were already waiting.

''Jimin these are Chae-''

''We can introduce ourselves dumbass.'' A girl cut Yoongi off and stood up from the couch with a wide grin on her face. She had white sliver-like hair and she was even shorter then Jimin. ''I'm Chaerin, Yoongi's older sister.'' The girl smiled brightly as she shook the raven's hand.

''Nice to meet you noona.'' The raven gave himself a mental pat on the back for not stuttering and smiled kindly.

''So you're the boy who finally made my brother a decent person.'' The girl joked earning a glare from the mentioned boy.

''I-I guess.'' The raven replied unsure.

''I have to say I'm impressed, when I first got here I didn't even recognize my own borther.''

''Okay you're exaggerating way too much.'' Yoongi spoke up with a glare still on his face. ''Hoon introduce yourself before she says too much.''

Suddenly a head of bubblegum pink hair stood up from the couch and made it's way over to the raven.

''I'm Jihoon.'' The boy spoke in a monotone voice as he shook the raven's hand. His face was expressionless and the raven didn't know if that was a good or a bad sign.

''N-nice to m-meet you.'' Nope the raven was no longer comfortable and he was slowly slipping back into his stuttering state. Of course Yoongi noticed that and wrapped an arm around the raven's waist to calm him down but at the same time he kept in mind what Taehyung told him over the phone and sadly he had to agree about how tiny the boy was.

''Well I'll give you kids some space and join the other two in the kitchen, I'll call you when dinner is ready.'' Mrs Min spoke up causing everyone to nod.

''Alright lovebirds sit and talk I have questions.'' Chaerin spoke up and patted the seat next to her on the couch. The pair made their way to the couch and just when Jimin was about to sit down Yoongi pulled him onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him. ''Aw you're so cute. Now tell me how did this happen?''

''We were at a party, he got drunk so I took him home and I don't I guess we just kind of got together after that.'' Yoongi explained knowing the raven wasn't going to speak.

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