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The pair ended up taking a few more then just one selfie which caused the two to arrive when the party was in full swing. As the two got out of Taehyung's car they were met with loud music coming from the house and drunk people stumbling around. Jimin started feeling uncomfortable again which his friend quickly noticed and offered his hand. The raven shyly took it and followed his friend into the house.

The music got even louder, the air got thicker and room for movement got smaller. Seokjin was known for throwing amazing parties that the entire school showed up too.

''Let's go find Kookie, he texted me that he's with Jin and Namjoon.'' Taehyung shouted over the music but the older barely heard him. He gripped even tighter onto his friend as they started making their way through the crowd of dancing bodies. The raven felt extremely uncomfortable considering they kept on bumping into sweaty drunk people that were too intoxicated to move out of their way. Once they finally entered a bit less occupied room the boy let out a sigh of relief.

''Look who finally showed up.'' A familiar husky voice spoke.

''Joonie hyung.'' Tae said excitedly as he flashed a rectangular smile.

''And what are we?'' Jungkook asked with a bit of an attitude.

''Hello Jin hyung.'' Taehyung purposely only greeted Jin then flashed another smile to his best friend.

''We've been babysitting your friend for at least an hour already, where have you been?'' Namjoon spoke up then looked down at the two still intertwined hands. ''Never mind.'' He murmured causing the two to quickly let go of each other.

''Sit down.'' Jin warmly smiled while looking at Jimin and patted the seat next to him. The raven shyly made his way over to where the three of them were sitting and sat down next to the pink haired boy. ''It's Jimin, right?'' He asked causing the raven to nod quickly. ''So what do you want to drink?''

''O-oh, i-it's okay, I-I'm not thirsty.'' And once again the raven was stuttering. Taehyung sat down next to him and gave him a quick pat on the back.

''He's a bit shy when you first meet him, but I think a drink or two will help ease him up.'' The blonde spoke with a smirk.

''B-but I-I... d-don't drink.''

''You do now.'' The blonde patted his back and stood up. ''Jin hyung how about we go get everyone a drink. Don't worry Chim I won't spike it.'' The blonde joked as he and the pink haired boy left the room.

''So... You and Tae?'' Namjoon spoke up and Jungkook nearly choked on his drink.

''W-we're j-just f-f-friends.'' Jimin was a flustered stuttering mess which left the older unconvinced.

''So Kookie told me you're new here.'' The oldest decided to change the subject.

''Y-yeah, to-today was my f-first d-day of school.''

''Well you sure picked a good day.'' The oldest chuckled. The raven chuckled as well but stopped when he noticed Jungkook staring at him.

''W-what?'' He asked slightly nervous.

''Tae did your make up?'' The raven only nodded causing the younger to sigh. ''You shouldn't have let him. Once you accept his offer to do your make up, you never get out of it.''

''I-it's okay, I-I don't mind.''

''Just wait until he starts bleaching your hair.'' The youngest added.

''You could've told him no.'' The oldest reasoned as he emptied out his cup then threw it onto the coffee table in front of them.

''He promised he'd give me Lisa's phone number.'' The youngest whinnied with a pout.

''You actually believed him?'' Namjoon chuckled as he patted the younger's back. ''You know Tae would rather die then to speak to any of them again.'' To that the youngest only pouted.

''Anyway, Jimin if Tae ever asks you for a favor... I suggest declining.''

''Why? I love my hairstyle.'' Jin suddenly spoke as the two of them entered the room with their hands full of red party cups. The pink haired boy handed a cup to Namjoon then sat down next to him while Taehyung handed a drink to Jungkook then sat down next to Jimin. He offered a cup to the raven who raised his eyebrows.

''I-is there a-alcohol in this?'' The raven asked quietly so only the blonde could hear.


''Hey how come he gets to drink while I get soda?'' The youngest whined gaining their attention.

''Who said I gave you a soda?'' The blonde responded causing the younger's eyes to lit up. He quickly took a gulp from the cup the cringed due to the substance inside the red cup.

''You said that was for Jimin.'' Jin suddenly glared at the blonde.

''Hyung let him live.'' The blonde responded causing the pink haired boy to respond with a glare.

''He's fifteen.''

''Soon to be sixteen.'' The youngest butted in already finished with his cup. Namjoon was halfway through his drink and the raven decided he would have a sip as well while Taehyung and Seokjin were arguing.

As he took a sip he quickly swallowed the substance, but as he did a burning sensation started in his throat causing him to cringe. His eyes meet a pair of amused ones as he noticed Jungkook smiling at his expression. He motioned to the boy to gulp it all down to which the raven was hesitant at first but gave in. A disgusted expression covered his face but he didn't say anything.

''Lets get another drink.'' The youngest suggested as he grabbed the raven's wrist and pulled him away from their hyungs who were now arguing about a completely unrelated topic while Namjoon sat there with a bored expression.

The younger led the raven through a crowd of people and Jimin was very thankful that he still hasn't let go of his wrist. Once they finally fought their way into the kitchen the younger handed him a party cup and poured a strong smelling liquid the older did not know the name of into their cups then raised it motioning the older to drink. 

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