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''Where's Yoongi?'' The raven murmured as he tried to move out of the older's grip, he could sense the boy didn't have the power but still tried to free himself thinking he was in danger.

''It's okay, I'm here.'' He assured the boy making him stop moving and lay his head back onto his chest.

''Yoongi where are we?''

''We're at Hoseok's place.''

''Is Hoseok the guy Tae keeps calling an over-sized carrot.'' Yoongi couldn't help but to chuckle at the nickname given to his best friend.

''Yep, that's him.''

''He seems really nice and everything and don't tell this to Yoongi but I'm not allowed to like him because he broke Tae's heart.''

''Don't worry I won't tell anybody.'' Although he knew he was going to be fucked if Jimin remembered any of this, it was a far too great of a chance to pass up. He placed the half asleep boy on the bed then quickly hurried to the bathroom to grab a towel and place it underneath the boy's head in case he started throwing up. ''So Jimin, do you think Yoongi is handsome?'' He asked and the younger couldn't help but to giggle.

''Yes, he's sooo handsome.'' The raven extended his arms motioning how much the said boy was handsome.

''Oh really? And why do you keep teasing him?'' The raven giggled even more and put his finger over the older's mouth.

''Don't ask that, he'll hear.'' The raven was speaking and acting like a five year old while his eyes were still closed and he was lying on his back.

''He won't I promise.''

''Promise promise?''

''Promise promise promise.''

''Wow that's a lot of promises.''

''I know, now tell me.'' The raven just giggled again.

''I can't.''


''It's embarrassing.'' Jimin was acting like a 5 year old and Yoongi couldn't decide if it was the most adorable thing he's ever seen or the most blackmail he could ever get on the boy.

''It's okay, just tell me.''

''Well he has a really big dick.'' They younger suddenly blurted out catching the older off guard. ''And he can actually be really sexy when he's in control, but he only does that if I tease him too much.''

''Oh really?'' Yoongi was very thankful that Jimin still had his eyes closed and was most likely too drunk to have any idea what he was saying because if he wasn't the younger could see how red he got.

''Yesh. So if I want to have his big dick I have to tease him a lot to get him to be in control and sexy.''

''How can you act so innocent while speaking about something like this?'' The older asked a himself as he stared at the raven haired boy who hasn't opened his eyes not even once since Yoongi has gotten a hold of him.

''Could you go get Yoongi now? I want to cuddle.''

''Of course.'' He told the boy then laid down next to him and wrapped his arms around him protectively.

''Yoongi?'' The younger murmured and opened his eyes. From the way they were lying Jimin was looking up at Yoongi with big puppy eyes and the older was melting at the sight.

''I'm here.'' He assured the younger and caressed his cheek.

''Why are we still pretending to date?'' The question caught the older off guard. The younger's tone was still childlike but there was seriousness in his tone.

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