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''Did you take your charger?''


''What about your headphones?''


''Did you bring a jacket in case it gets cold?''

''Yoongi, I have everything I need.'' Jimin giggled as he cupped the raven's cheeks. Yoongi smiled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

''What about you passport?''

''It's in my backpack. Can you please stop acting like my mother and start acting like my boyfriend again?''

''Sorry. I just don't want you to forget anything.'' Yoongi cooed as he pecked his boyfriend's lips.

''Or maybe you just don't want me to leave yet.'' The younger giggled.

''That too.''

The pair was currently at the airport saying goodbye to each other. It's been a week since the pair made up and ever since they have they've been inseparable. Well that was until now, when Jimin would have to get on a plane and fly back to Japan to spend time with his mother.

''Don't worry, it's only two weeks and we see each other again.'' The younger tried to make Yoongi feel better.

''But why can't I go with you now?'' The raven whined earning another giggle.

''Because you're going on vacation with your own family, hun.''

''And the second I come back I'm on the next plane to Japan, okay.'' Jimin only nodded his head and kissed his boyfriend.

Jimin's parents decided that because he couldn't get to see his mother all school year he would spend the rest of his summer with her, of course Jimin asked if his friends could come as well, but due to all of them going on vacation with their own families none of them could go with him right now. They decided that all of them would join him in two weeks when they all get back from vacation.

The kiss was interrupted by the announcement that all the passengers for the flight to Tokyo had to start boarding the plane.

''I have to go.'' Jimin said, a sad smile on his face. The pair exchanged another kiss then wrapped their arms around each other tightly.

''I'll miss you, baby.'' Yoongi spoke into the younger's ear.

''I'll miss you too.'' And so the pair broke apart. Jimin started walking away not wanting too look back, knowing he was going to be sad if he saw Yoongi's expression. Yoongi watched his boyfriend walk away but it didn't feel right, he couldn't just leave it at that. 

''W-wait, Jimin!'' Yoongi called out for the younger, causing him to turn around. Yoongi's heart was beating like a drum as he started walking over to the confused younger, but he knew now was the time to let go off the last little drop of doubt that was left in his body. ''I love you.'' And finally the word was out, there was no more secrets between each other anymore, Jimin now knew every single thing about his boyfriend and Yoongi trusted that the younger will never use that against him.

And his trust in the younger grew even stronger when the younger gave him his reply.

''I love you too.'' Jimin spoke with a wide grin on his face.

The pair ran towards each other one more time to exchange one last kiss. They couldn't help but to grin the entire time and once they pulled away and looked into each other's eyes their grins got even wider. Yoongi couldn't help but hug the younger tightly before finally releasing him from his grip and letting him walk away. Jimin looked back and flashed one last grin before he disappeared from the older's sight. 

They finally parted ways. Jimin made it onto the plane and Yoongi got back to his car.

Was what Jimin's grandfather said really true? Was love really a spoonful of shit topped with sugar, and what the pair were tasting right now was the sugar's sweetness? Would they eventually turn bitter? Maybe even break up?

Only time would tell, but the pair was no longer scared to find out.

Whatever came their way, they knew they could get through it together.


started writing 28. 6. 2017

finished writing 6. 8. 2017

welp this just happened, holy shit I actually managed to finished a book.... I am proud, also there will be a spin-off of this book called Dirty Little Secret it's currently being written it will tell the story of Hoseok and Taehyung and what really happened between the pair, thank you to my supportive friends for voting and reading and um yeah idk why I'm writing this... Imma go...

Love Will Destroy Us  //  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now