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Dinner was finally over and Jimin felt like he was going explode. The entire time they sat at the table everyone was talking and laughing but Yoongi was busy adding food to the younger's plate. Jimin had a plan to only eat a little and work out even harder the next day but due to the amount of food he ate he knew there was no other choice but to throw it up.

But he couldn't do that, not with so many people in the house, not with Yoongi shadowing his every move.

So he threw himself on the bed as he felt tears building up in his eyes. He felt angry. He worked so hard, never skipped a work out ate 200 calories a day, he even went as far as to eating nothing for the last three days but now here he was, all his hard work was for nothing.

''Jimin? What wrong?'' A soft voice spoke up and a hand was placed on his shoulder. Suddenly feeling angry at the owner of this voice he slapped the hand away and shot off the bed. ''Woah, what's wrong?''

''Leave me alone.'' The boy murmured as he refused to look into the older's eyes.

''What did I do wrong?'' Yoongi knew exactly what was going on. He saw it the entire time they were sat at the dinner table. Jimin didn't want to eat, the more food Yoongi gave him the harder he could hide it.

''Go away.'' But Jimin refused to admit it, he wasn't going to tell Yoongi his secret, he couldn't.

''Jimin tell me what's wrong.'' Yoongi continued to press the younger's buttons waiting for him to finally explode.

''You know damn well what you did!'' Unfortunate for the younger, he had a short temper and exploded easily. ''I know you know, Yoongi! Is this funny to you!? Is this a game to you!?''

''No Jimin, but is it a game to you!?'' Yoongi shouted back catching him off guard. ''You're killing yourself!''

The raven couldn't help it, he felt it coming up his throat and made a run for it to the bathroom with the older right behind him. He threw himself down on his knees and emptied out his stomach into the toilet in a matter of seconds. He started sobbing as the gagging finally stopped. He felt a pair of fingers caress his back as he curled himself into a ball and started crying.

''Why are you doing this to yourself?'' The older asked softly as he wrapped his arms around the little ball of sadness that was Park Jimin.

''B-because...'' The boy sobbed even louder.

''Because what?''

''I-I'm to-too f-fat... I-I'm a-always t-too fat!''

''What are you talking about?'' Yoongi's words were soft and comforting as he cupped the younger's cheeks to get him to look him in the eye. ''Baby why would you think that?''

''T-that's wh-what they t-tell me... Th-they a-always tell m-me that!''

''Who tells you that?'' Yoongi's heart was braking as he watched the boy brake down in his arms.

''E-every a-agency m-mom ever to-took m-me to.''

''Are you serous? You're willing to starve yourself just to get signed by an agency? Is risking your life really worth it?'' The raven was shaking his head as he repeated the words.

''No, I don't want to do it. I-I don't like modeling.''

''Then why would you do something like this?''

''Because of my mom.''

''Did she force you?!''

''N-no.. I-I just...''

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