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''Okay lets change the topic. Kookie did you heard Jin was throwing a party tonight.'' The blonde started.

''Obviously, I was the one who told you about it.'' The boy replied as he put the hood of his hoodie over his head.

''Will you behave if we take Jimin with us tonight?'' He asked gaining the raven's attention.

''What?'' Jimin asked confused.

''Jin's party tonight. You're coming along.'' The blonde said while Jungkook nodded in agreement.

''I-I am?''

''That's the spirit.'' Jungkook cheered.

''B-but it's Wednesday. W-who throws a party on a-a Wednesday?'' The raven hair asked confused.

''Jin hyung.'' Taehyung replied with his rectangular smile, but that smile was quickly replaced by a confused expression, focused on something behind the raven haired boy.

''What?'' Jimin asked the blonde who only motioned him to turn around. As the raven did so he let out a small scream.

''Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you?'' Sangwook's voice filled Jimin's ears as he tried to steady his heartbeat.

''N-no i-it's-I'm okay.'' The younger forced a sentence out of his mouth.

''Oh well, the principle would like to see you.'' Sangwook reminded causing Jimin to stand up. The boys who were sitting next to him glanced at him with a confused expression but kept quiet as the raven left the room.

During the walk to the office Jimin hoped to avoid questions about his first day at school but sadly that did not happen and the boy was bombarded with questions he had no idea how to answer.

''Alright take a seat here, he might take a minute of two.'' The boy nodded in reply but as he was about to walk over to the seating area he stopped in his tracks when he noticed a boy already sitting there.

Normally Jimin found situations like this uncomfortable, but considering this time he would have to sit down next to Yoongi, who he saw braking somebody's nose about 10 minutes ago, he was contemplating running away. The brow haired boy was glaring at the ground in front of him when he noticed somebody staring at him and looked up.

''What?'' He spat causing the younger's legs to tremble in fear. Jimin just shook his head and cautiously made his way to the empty seat besides the angry teenager. Although scared, Jimin couldn't help but sneak a glance at the boy besides him. He didn't get a good look when he was fighting so now that he was sitting still with his eyes fixated on the wall opposite of them he noticed that the boy had a very good looking side profile. And he wanted to know if the front was even more good looking.

''You are aware that you've been staring at me for two minutes already, right?'' The older's husky voice snapped Jimin out of his trance and caused a blush to appear on his face.

Jimin wanted to say something but his mouth was glued shut and even if he were to force it open he had no idea what to say. So he looked down at his feet and hoped that the boy besides him would not acknowledge him any longer.

But but unfortunately that did not happen. The older shifted in his seat and looked over at the raven-haired boy, his gaze burning into the younger's skull. Yoongi didn't take his eyes off of him causing Jimin to get uncomfortable, shyly he peeked at the boy besides him to see him staring back with a blank expression on his face.

''What, if you can do it, so can I.'' The older replied but never got a response. They kept eye contact for about 2 seconds before Jimin looked away due to his shyness. He couldn't help it, the older's gaze was too intense. ''You look familiar.'' The older murmured as he furrowed his brows together.

''Yoongi.'' A voice suddenly filled the room causing the boys to look into the direction it was coming from.

''Father.'' Yoongi replied causing the raven's eyes to go wide. Father? Is this Mr Min's son? The younger wondered.

''I don't even want to know what you did now. We'll talk later.'' Mr Min frowned at his son. But as his eyes moved to the boy sitting beside him a grin plastered over his lips as he motioned his hand for the boy to stand up. ''Come on in please.'' He said to the youngest of the three causing Jimin to stand up and follow his principle into his office. ''Jimin, you probably don't remember me but I'm good friends with your parents.'' The man started talking as he motioned to Jimin to sit down making the younger obey. ''Last time I saw you, you and Yoongi were fighting over which superhero was better.'' He joked causing the younger to chuckle.

Being too shy too look the man in the eye the younger fixated his gaze onto the older's desk. There was a picture on the desk that caught the younger's eye. Three kids were on that picture. A blonde haired Yoongi, a girl with white hair who was slightly shorter then him and a boy with purple hair also shorter then Yoongi. They were smiling while embracing each other. Mr Min noticed what Jimin was staring at and picked up the picture with a smile on his face.

''Nice picutre isn't it?'' He asked causing the younger to smile and nod.

''T-they seem t-to get a-along w-well.'' The younger spoke.

''They do, you never met Chaerin and Jihoon did you?''

''N-not that I-I remember.''

''Right, my ex-wife had custody of them at that time.'' The older's face slightly dropped and Jimin tried his best to hold back the question but his curiosity got the best of him.

''D-do they s-still live with their m-mother?''

''Sadly not. She passed away 8 months ago.'' And with that Jimin remembered why it's best he stays quiet when his gut tells him too.

''O-oh, I-I'm s-sorry for your l-loss.''

''Thank you.'' The older said back and quickly placed a smile on his face once again.

''Anyway I saw you and Yoongi talking, I figure the two of you have reunited a bit.'' Jimin just nodded although he just now started to remember ever even being friends with that boy. ''He's changed quite a bit as you can see. But then again both of you have.'' The room was filled with awkward tension and the younger was trying to find the right words to say but nothing came to mind.

''Y-yeah.'' He said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

''So, how are your parents doing?''

''Depends w-which one you're asking about.'' The younger answered honestly.

''Right... I heard the news... How are you holding up kid?''

''I'm okay.'' The boy lied through a fake smile.

''Well if you ever need someone to talk to you can visit my office anytime.'' The older spoke making the younger nod.

''Thank y-you.''

''So? First day at my school... How are you liking it so far?''

''I-it's great.'' The boy said honestly, there was no one bothering him, he made two new friends and the teachers seemed quite nice, so there was nothing Jimin could complain about.

''Well that's great to hear. I'm sure my assistant already showed you around and told you everything you needed to know. I would've done so myself but I was stuck in a meeting. Sorry to have shortened out your lunch, but your father wanted to hear from me how you're doing.''

''It's okay.'' The boy said hiding the small smile on his face. He wasn't used to his father being so interested in his life so he couldn't help but to feel happy.

''Well I won't hold you here any longer. Get back to your lunch.'' The older said and smiled kindly making the younger do the same.

''Thank you.'' The younger said as he stood up from his chair. ''Have a good day.'' He said before opening the doors. And as he did he almost bumped into a boy with a quite annoyed expression covering his face.

''About time.'' He mumbled before walking past him and into the office.

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