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''Yo, Yoongi, you there?'' Hoseok had to snap his best friend out of his train of thoughts for the fifth time since he's started talking.

''Sorry.'' He apologized as he gulped down the rest of his drink.

''What's gotten into you, you're so out of it today.''

''It's Jimin.'' The older sighed.

''You guys fighting?''

''What? No, nothing like that.''

''Lucky.'' The younger sighed as well.

''What do you mean?'' Yoongi asked his best friend but before he could get an answer his phone started ringing.

''This is what I mean.'' Hoseok took out his phone and showed the older the caller ID. Hyuna was calling him. ''Hello?... Babe... calm down... no I-... would you let me ex-.... fine!'' And so the phone call ended.

''You guys fighting?'' Yoongi repeated the question.

''Yeah... She's pissed because I threw a party while she's out of town.''

''How long is she gonna be out of town?''

''Luckily, the entire brake.'' The pair couldn't help but to chuckle. ''So what about you and Jimin? Trouble in paradise already?''

''No, I'm just worried about something that's all.''

''Is everything okay?''

''I'm not sure, I've been suspecting it for a while now and everything kind of adds up, but I don't want to make him upset if I end up being wrong.''

''Well I don't know man if you're worried just talk to him if you won't have communication you're going to end up... well.. like me.'' The younger joked again although they both knew it was the truth.

''Yeah you're right. But not right now, he's probably too drunk to form a proper sentence.''

''Where is he anyway?''

''Last time I checked he was trying to stop Jae from petting Taehyung's hair and calling it Scout.'' The orange haired boy couldn't help but to laugh.

''Why Scout?''

''Because it reminded him of his golden retriever.''

''Well his hair does look golden.''

''Yeah, about Taehyung, I'm really sorry for putting you on the spot in front of him back when you first met Jimin at the country club.''

''What has that boy done to you... Did you actually just apologize to me?''

''I'm serious.''

''It's okay... He thinks I'm an asshole either way...'' And another sigh escaped his mouth.

''Why can't you just tell him the truth?''

''About what?''

''About what really happened.''

''How the hell do you know what really happened?''

''Last time when you were drunk, you told me about everything, you cried and told me how you weren't happy with Hyuna, you told me you regret not going after him that night, but that you're too scared to come out to your parents.''

''Shit.. Why am I such an honest drunk.''

''Hobi, if you have any feelings left for him at all, tell him what really happened, make things right with him. If nothing else at least both of you can move on knowing why things really ended.''

''I'm too late for that Yoongi.''

''Look you know I think that love is a bunch of bullshit, but even I can tell you don't belong with Hyuna. Please make things right with Taehyung, I can't watch you suffer anymore.''

''You know what I think?''


''I think Jimin is the best thing that's ever happened to you. Never in a million years did I think you'd be giving me a pep talk about not giving up on love.'' The older couldn't help but to cringe at the words that escaped his best friend's mouth.

''Please don't make me change my mind and leave.''

''Alright, but you might have to come with me.''


''Because my ex-boyfriend is currently dragging your boyfriend to the bathroom because he's too drunk to even stand on his own.''

''Shit.'' The older murmured causing his best friend to laugh once again but rush after him to get to the drunk pair. ''Is he okay?'' He quickly asked and took the unconscious boy from the slightly less drunk blonde.

''About time. You know I shouldn't have to babysit him for you, if you're not going to treat him like the prince he is then give him back to me.''

''Don't worry I got my little princess.'' Yoongi assured the blonde and picked Jimin up bridal style. ''Hobi can I take him upstairs to your room?''

''Yeah sure, just put a towel on the sheet in case he starts throwing up.''

''Got it.'' He replied to his best friend then carried the unconscious raven upstairs.

''This is unfair.'' The blonde whined. ''Namjoon and Jin are together, Jimin has Yoongi, even Jungkook finally found the courage to ask Lisa to dance yet here I am getting mistaken for a golden retriever.'' Hoseok couldn't help but to chuckle, Taehyung would always become a whinny brat when he was drunk.

''It's okay, I got you.'' A soft smile found it's way to the orange boy's face as he placed a hand over the blonde's shoulders and led him away from the crowd.

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