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(while Yoonmin were in the bathroom)

A sigh escaped the blonde girl's mouth as she watched her 'friend' rush over to Mark and cup his cheeks to inspect his face for any injuries. She couldn't believe how someone who acted so sweet could actually be so cruel and heartless.

''Are you okay?'' A quiet voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she turned around to see Jungkoook was still standing behind her a small blush evident on his cheeks.

''Yeah just... I don't like seeing my friends fight.'' It was only half a lie, she really didn't like seeing her friends fight, but after what she found out about her so called friends, she wasn't sure if she still wanted to call them that.

''W-we should get back to our seat... Before someone steals our lunch.'' The younger spoke shyly making her nod. She took one last glance at the pair then followed her classmate to where they sat before the fight erupted.

As they sat down and started eating Jungkook was desperate to start a conversation with his crush, but he had no idea what to say. What could he talk about? The weather? School? Gossip about teachers? Ask about homework? None of them seemed like they could make the conversation last long.

''I-I don't get what they keep fighting about.'' He finally decided to go with the topic of the fight.

''I do.'' Lisa murmured more to herself then the younger but he still heard her.

''Really? What is it about?'' The boy forgot all about the shyness and the stuttering, the girl held some major gossip and he wanted to know it now.

''Jungkookie, no offence but you can't keep a secret, everything you hear you tell Jae and then Jae shouts it through the entire school.''

''What if I don't tell Jae about it?''

''You'll tell Tae, and if not Tae then Jin and either way the news will spread around.''

''Okay true, but what if I pinky promise to not tell anybody and if I do tell anybody you can cut off my pinky.'' The blonde sighed and was about to give in when another pair of blonde hair and gilttery eyelids found it's way to the table and spoke up.

''Who's pinky are we cutting off?'' Taehyung asked when he made eye contact with the blonde girl sitting opposite of his best friend. ''Please tell me it's her's.'' He then added as he tried to decide if he should glare at the girl or his best friend.

''Taehyung oppa... Can I talk to you for a minute?'' The blonde girl spoke up feeling scared by the older's glare.

''Will it involve cutting off your pinky?'' He asked making her shake her head. ''Then no, please leave, and tell the other's to shove a dick down their throats.''

''They'll do that whether you tell them to or not.'' She said back catching the two off guard.

''Okay, you didn't defend them, you got 2 minutes to talk then you can leave.'' And so the two blondes walked away from the table leaving Jungkook alone.

''I know you won't believe me and I am sorry for bringing this up but I didn't have anything to do with Hyuna and Hoseok. I didn't even know he cheated on you with her.'' The older only chuckled coldly but still let her continue. ''Like I said I know you won't believe me but I really didn't know. I thought you stopped hanging out with us because Hyuna went after Hoseok although he's your ex, not because she's the reason he's your ex.''

''And yet you stayed with them? Even when she did that?  If you want my forgiveness you can just give up right now.''

''I want to be friends again. They don't care about each other, they don't care about anyone but themselves and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that.''

''Well I'm glad you see their true colors now. But that still doesn't change anything.''

''Oppa I've known you since kindergarten, we were best friends before we even met the other four, you're the one who started hanging out with them first, you're the one who pulled me into this in the first place.'' A sigh escaped the older's mouth but it wasn't an annoyed sigh, it was a sigh of giving in and Lisa knew she was winning.

''And what made you realize all of this now?'' It was Lisa's turn to sigh now.

''On Saturday, Hyuna had a sleepover, obviously there was alcohol involved and they all ended up drinking more then they should have. And so we got to the topic of boys... And one thing led to another and we started talking about boyfriends. And then I learned the truth about how Jennie and Mark really got together.'' Taehyung has completely forgotten he had to be cautious around the girl and let his guard down.

''She told you about...'' The girl only nodded.

''And so Jennie and I got into a fight about it and then she started saying how Hyuna was no better and started blaming her for braking up you and Hoseok and so we started fighting and I left and I we haven't spoke ever since. They haven't bothered to text or even spare me a glance.''

''Look, I'm going to need some time before I start trusting you again.''

''I understand that, but I really do want my best friend back. If you need to earn my trust back then how about we start off small. We can go make up shopping on Saturday.'' The blonde suggested and with that she knew Taehyung could no longer resist he pulled the girl into a hug she gladly accepted then smiled at her.

''It's a deal.'' The older said before wrapping an arm around her and leading her back to Jungkook who was currently envying his best friend very much. He started wondering if he had to start telling the girls he was gay in order to gain their attention.

''So did you guys make up?'' Jungkook asked as the pair of blondes sat down.

''I guess you can say that.'' Taehyung spoke up causing Lisa to grin happily.

''Does that mean noona's going to be eating lunch with us everyday?'' The youngest asked eyes wide with excitement.

''If she wants to.'' And suddenly the youngest jumped to his feet with excitement and shouted 'yes' then quickly sat back down with a blush on his face.

''What's he so happy about?'' Jin's voice suddenly filled their ears and they saw him and Namjoon making their way to the table. ''Oh Lisa, hi.'' The pink haired boy happily greeted the girl.

''Hi oppa.'' She said with a smile then greeted Namjoon as well. And so the group ate their lunch and talked about some gossip only Jungkook knew about until they were joined by the pair who had been missing for the past 30 minutes. 

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