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''What?'' Jimin's smile dropped, his hands got shaky and he was having a hard time breathing.

''I think it's time to tell our parents that we broke up. We can say school was getting to be too hard and we weren't ready for a serious relationship or something, but that we'll still remain good friends.'' In that moment Jimin could literally feel his heart brake into a million tiny pieces with each word that left the older's mouth.

''W-what about... Us?'' He said back in a whisper.

''What us? You mean the friends with benefits thing?'' Yoongi asked, his face was emotionless which made the younger's chest hurt even more.

''Yeah, that.'' Jimin said back quietly.

''Well I don't know, we stop I guess?''

''Why?'' Jimin asked this time his voice slightly louder.

''Just, because... We won't have time to hang out anyway this month. It just makes sense to end it now... We can't exactly keep this thing on forever.'' The raven's tone of voice was flat with signs of emotions present in it while on the other hand Jimin had to bite his lip to keep from letting out a sob.

''Did you start liking somebody?'' Jimin questioned as he tried to find a reason behind this.

''Chim you know I don't do feelings.''

''You used to.'' The younger murmured to himself.

''What was that?'' Yoongi heard exactly what Jimin said, but he still wanted him to repeat himself.

''I know about Jennie, Yoongi.'' Jimin said, almost shouted, at the older.

''Who the fuck told you about her?''

''Everyone! She was practically making out with you at your party!'' Jimin shouted back letting his short temper get the best of him.

''She what?! When!?''

''When I found you after you left to go to the bathroom, you weren't alone. She was sitting on top of you trying to kiss you!''

''That bitch!'' Yoongi shouted to himself. ''Fuck!'' 

''Do you still love her?!''

''Of course I don't!''

''Then why are you acting like this!?''

''Like what!?''

''You're pushing me away, Yoongi!'' Jimin exclaimed. ''I'm not Jennie, I won't hurt you.''

''Don't make promises you can't keep.''

''Yoongi after everything we went through, don't you know me?''

''No! No I don't, Jimin. Even if we are as close as we are you don't know who I am and I don't know who you are. We don't communicate Jimin, we fuck.''

''Why are you suddenly like this? Why do you want to end it all of a sudden?''

''Because! I don't want to catch feelings okay!''

''Then why did you ever even consider doing this with me?! We both knew this would happen! Or did you just use me to get over her? Is that what I was to you? A fucking rebound?!''

''Maybe you were!'' And with that Jimin let go of the last tiny piece of hope he was clinging onto and snapped. In that moment every positive thought, every word his friend tried to assure him with, it was all gone and he was back to square one.

''Get out. Get the fuck out of my house!'' Jimin shouted at the top of his lungs, Yoongi only stood there and looked him in the eye, there was something behind them, a secret cry for help, but Jimin was too angry to notice. ''I'm serious, get the fuck out, I don't want to see you again, you fucking asshole!''

Slowly the raven turned around and walked out of Jimin's room, tears were building up in his eyes as he walked down the stairs. He could hear the younger's sobs from where he was standing. There was shattering and screaming coming from the boy's bedroom and Yoongi knew all to well what Jimin was doing. Yoongi's heart was broken all over again, the all too familiar pain consuming him, the air in his lungs tightening and his head getting dizzy, all over again.

As he made it into the car he sped away not caring how fast he was going he just needed to escape it all. Maybe what he needed to do was swerve off the road and make the pain end. It would be the easiest thing to do. Everything would end and finally the pain would disappear, he would no longer have to suffer through the heartache.

As those thoughts crept into his mind he slammed the brakes and turned off the car.

''Fuck.'' He said to himself as he finally let a tear escape his eye. ''FUCK!'' He screamed as he hit the steering wheel. ''Fuck, fuck, fuck!'' He kept on screaming and punching the wheel. Finally tears started falling from his eyes and the swear words were replaced by sobs. The raven haired boy finally allowed himself to crack. ''Fucking hell!'' 

And as he did, every negative emotion he kept bottled up came pouring out as he sobbed and cried and cursed. All the pain and the heartache he never let anybody see, was pouring out of him like a river and he couldn't stop crying. 

He cried after his mother, he cried because of Jennie and he cried because he lost Jimin.

Love Will Destroy Us  //  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now