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''So... What do you wanna do? Tae and Jin hyung will probably continue to argue until Namjoon has enough of them and starts shouting.'' The younger explained.

''I-I don't know.'' The raven replied as he took another sip of his drink. His stomach was heating up and he wasn't feeling all that shy anymore.

''Well we can go and introduce you to a few people?'' Although the raven was feeling much more confident due to his slightly intoxicated mind, talking to people was something he wasn't ready for quite yet. But before he could reply to the younger a loud voice started impersonating a siren and seconds later a boy appeared on the floor paddling a penny board to get to him and Jungkook.

''Kookie!'' The boy yelled and jumped onto the younger's back and latched onto him like a koala. He kept trying to bite the younger's cheek but Jungkook moved away before he could.

''What are you doing?'' He asked the blue haired boy with a chuckle escaping his lips.

''I wanna see if you taste like a cookie.'' The blue haired boy pouted, Jungkook finally stopped moving which gave him a chance to bite his cheek causing the younger to let go of him but he was still wrapped around him like a koala. ''You don't taste like a cookie.''

''Jimin, this is my classmate Jae. Jae this is Jimin, he's new here.'' The youngest introduced the two boys and Jimin gave him a sweet smile which caused his eyes to almost completely close.

''Oh my god those cheeks. Do you think he tastes like a mochi?''

''Why?'' The raven giggled, finding the blue haired boy clinging onto Jungkook highly amusing.

''Because you look like one.''

''Jae are you hungry or something? Because if you are go eat food, not people.''

''That is a great idea. I want a sandwich.'' He jumped off the younger and ran to the other side of the kitchen. The boys he left behind exchanged a chuckle which was quickly cut of by a shout.

''What the hell!'' A voice shouted causing the pair to turn to the direction it came from. The raven quickly noticed Yoongi standing next to an angry looking orange haired boy.

''I'm sorry Hoseok hyung.'' Jae quickly apologized, but the orange haired boy still looked angry. He was about to attack the younger but a hand held him back.

''Calm down, it was an accident.'' It was Yoongi who spoke. He dragged his friend towards the counter where the pair was currently standing and the closer he got the wider the raven's eyes got. ''Hey can you pass me the paper towels.'' He called over to the pair. Jungkook did not respond only glared at the orange haired boy while Jimin was frozen in place. He managed to grab the paper towels that were behind the pair but as he tried to walk over to the brown haired boy he forgot that his feet were still frozen in place leading to the boy and the paper towels to hit the ground. ''Seriously.'' The brow haired boy murmured to himself as he crouched down next to the boy to pick up a few towels.

''S-sorry.'' The raven murmured so quietly nobody would hear him even if the music suddenly cut off and the room went dead quiet. But the brown haired boy still heard him and shot up his head to look him in the eye.

''So you can speak.'' He said back once he realized who was on the ground a few inches away from his face.

''Are you getting me paper towels or are you dramatically falling in love down there?'' The orange haired boy spoke causing the brown haired boy to roll his eyes. He stood up and handed his friend a few towels who responded with a sarcastic smile.

''You should probably go to the bathroom to clean that up.'' Yoongi said to his friend.

''Or just have your girlfriend lick it of your clothes for you.'' The three boys quickly snapped their heads back the boy who said that, each wearing a different expression. Jimin shocked, Yoongi amused and Hoseok angry.

''What was that you rabbit?!'' The orange haired boy snapped only to be held back by his friend.

''Let it go. Go clean that up.'' He ordered his friend and pushed him away from the two boys. A hand suddenly appeared in front of the raven's face who was still glued to the floor. ''You plan on staying there the whole night or...'' The raven shyly took his hand and got pulled up from the ground. After sending the raven a small smile Yoongi looked over at the youngest of the three and sighed. ''Where's Tae?'' The raven was left confused, how do they all know each other, he wondered.

''Probably with Jin hyung.'' The youngest replied quietly but still loud enough for them to hear.

''Keep him away from Hoseok the last thing I need is for those two to cross paths right now.'' The oldest ordered causing the youngest to nod. Suddenly Jae was next to Jungkook eating a snadwich.

''Mochi you coming?'' Jae asked the raven.

''I'll keep him company.'' Yoongi replied causing the raven to blush.

''Are you sure-'' Jungkook was cut off by a glare that the raven did not notice as for he was busy watching his friend walk away leaving him a boy he used to have sleepover's with when he was 5.

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