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''Jimin hyung?'' Jungkook called out to his friend, Jimin looked up at his friend but didn't say a word. Jungkook observed one of his best friends for a moment his own heart hurting at the sight. The boy's face was pale, dark circles underneath his eyes, his faded silver hair with dark roots he didn't allow Taehyung to touch up was all over the place and the only thing he was wearing was underwear. ''Are you leaving your room while the sun is still out today?''

School has been over for a week already and Jimin has not left the house during the day ever since. He went out at night but that was only to drink away the pain and stumble home a bit before the sun rose up.

He and Yoongi have not spoken since the night of their 'break up', at first their excuse was that they were too busy because of the exams but now they just ignored the topic like the other didn't even exist. Well Jimin avoided words in general. Taehyung and Jungkook could count how many words the boy has said in the past month by fingers.

It was three words. 'leave me alone'.

Jimin only turned to the other side of his bed so that his back was now facing his best friends and he closed his eyes back again not wanting to deal with people at the moment.

Every bad habit the boy used to have came back. Stuttering, isolating himself, hiding behind walls and the worst, not eating. It wasn't that the boy was doing it on purpose, he just honestly didn't care if he died of starvation.

''Jimin you can't keep doing this to yourself.'' Taehyung spoke up. If anybody felt bad about what happened between Jimin and Yoongi, it was Tae. He kept on blaming himself for trying to bring the pair together and getting Jimin's hopes up. Although everyone was telling him not to beat himself up about it he couldn't help but to do exactly that. ''Please at least come downstairs to eat something. I know you haven't eaten all week.''

Actually Jimin lost track of how many days he hasn't eaten already. But he didn't bother to correct Taehyung.

''Hyung, c'mon, Lisa made you brunch.'' Jungkook spoke up as well. Jimin just ignored the pair as he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. The only thing he did was sleep and drink until he passed out. It was the only time he didn't feel pain and it was the only time he could forget how stupid and naive he was. If his grandfather wasn't already buried six feet under ground he would visit him just to tell him how right he was about love. But he couldn't. He was dead just like Jimin wished to be.

''Alright plan B. Kookie grab his arms I'll grab his legs.'' Taehyung said making the younger do as told. Jimin didn't even protest as the pair picked him up and carried him away he just stared at the ceiling.

They sat him down in the dinning room and Lisa placed a plate in front of him. Another sigh escaped the oldest mouth as he squinted his eyes. The only light he was used to was from his night lamp so being faced with the sun after almost a week of not seeing it was definitely something his eyes had to adjust to.

''Lisa make sure he eats something in the meanwhile we'll go air out his room and clean it up a bit.'' Taehyung ordered the blonde making her nod as she sat down next to Jimin.

''Don't they have a maid?'' Jungkook asked.

''You think he lets her into the room?'' Tae said back as he pulled the youngest away.

''Oppa.'' Lisa spoke up, Jimin didn't look at her but she knew he was listening. ''I don't know how it's like to have your heart broken. I know that it must hurt a lot... But you can't do this to yourself. We care about you and it makes us sad when you're like this. I know it'll take time to get over him... But please at least take care of your body in the meanwhile.''

The younger wasn't expecting a response, knowing that Jimin has not spoken a word to them in over 2 weeks. The only person that heard him speak a full sentence was his father.

''If you're not going to eat I will feed you.'' Lisa suddenly spoke up. ''You think I'm kidding? Well I'm not, open wide.'' She brought the spoon the older's lips and waited for Jimin to open his mouth. And surprisingly he did leaving the girl shocked that it actually worked.

Jimin slowly chewed on his food, and when he swallowed the food there was another spoonful of it waiting to enter his mouth. And that went on until the plate was empty and Lisa was wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin.

''See that wasn't that hard, right?'' She said happily, her mood increased now that she knew that at least her friend ate.

''Jimin, you have a phone call.'' Taehyung announced as he rushed into the room. He handed the older his phone and waited to see if he'll answer or not. Another sigh escaped the oldest's mouth as he stood up from his chair and left the room to answer the phone.

''Yes?'' The pair was shocked when they heard their friends voice again. They've missed it so much, his voice, his giggles, his shouts when he got annoyed, they missed their friend.

''Jimin, sweetheart, did I wake you?'' Mrs Park asked from the other side of the line.

''Kind of.'' Her son replied, his voice just above a whisper.

''Oh, I'm sorry sweetie I'll let you get back to sleep I just have to ask you something.'' Since the boy didn't answer Mrs Park continued talking. ''So, I was wondering if you wanted to come spend the summer with me in Tokyo?''

''What?'' The younger's eyes got slightly wider.

''Well I haven't seen in you in so long sweetheart and I miss you so much and I was wonder if you wanted to spend a month here so we could catch up. You could even bring your boyfriend with you, I've been dying to meet him.'' At the mention of a boyfriend the younger's chest tightened and he shut his eyes trying not to think of the mentioned boy.

''I don't know if he can come, but can I bring some of my friends?''

''Of course sweetie you can bring anyone you want. So does this mean you're coming?''

''Yes.'' The younger replied as he heard his mother squeal excitedly.

''That's great, I'll call your father so that we can talk this out and I'll call you later. Okay?''


''Bye sweetheart.''

''Bye mom.'' As the younger hung up he made his way back into the dinning room to be met with three pairs of curious eyes. ''Does anyone want to go to Tokyo with me?'' 

Love Will Destroy Us  //  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now