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''Dad... This is not what it looks like.'' Yoongi stood up from the bed and Jimin all but hid behind him feeling mortified. What if Mr Min tells his father about this.

''Yoongi, you don't need to lie to me, you're a grown man you'll soon be an adult-''

''N-no, M-mr Min, t-this really i-isn't w-what i-it looks l-like.'' Jimin spoke up as well peaking his head from behind Yoongi.

''It's okay Jimin, well I never expected you and Yoongi to have the adult kinds of sleepovers one day.'' With that Yoongi's father gained two very different reactions. One was a heavy blush, one a face full of shock.

''Wait, Jimin?!'' The older boy's head snapped back to face the crimson faced boy hiding behind him. With that his father sighed and sent his soon a disapproving look.

''Son have I really raised you this poorly. If you're going to bring somebody home at least learn their name.'' His father scolded but the two boys were still quiet. ''Anyway I'm off to work, I suggest the two of you hurry or you're going to be late.'' With that he left the room and made sure to close the doors. The older's entire body spun around to face the still blushing boy.

''Jimin... Park Jimin? It's you, isn't it? I just knew there was something about you!'' The older suddenly smiled a gummy smile as he pulled the younger into a hug. The raven was frozen in shock once again because a) he still hasn't recovered from the scene with Yoongi's father b) Yoongi actually remembered him and c) he was currently hugging the boy while both of them were wearing nothing but underwear.

Once the two boys pulled away from their hug the room fell silent and the atmosphere grew awkward. Both of the boys looked down at their own feet not knowing what to do or say.

''We... We should get ready for school.'' It was Jimin who spoke up causing the older to nod his head quickly.

''Right, uh you can shower in my bathroom I'll go use the one down the hall. Let me just get you some clothes to wear.'' He said and Jimin quickly followed him to his closet. ''You don't care if it's nothing fancy right?'' To that the younger showed a disapproving look, he was about to say something but stopped his mouth and closed it again. ''Right, I forgot you were crying over a leather jacket a few minutes ago.'' The older sighed earning a slap on the shoulder.

''It's Gucci.'' The younger said back with a glare.

''No wonder Tae treats you like royalty.'' The older joked causing a scoff to escape the younger's mouth.

''Who said I wasn't.'' The younger joked.

''I should've known this would happen when you moved to Tokyo so your mom could start a fashion line.'' The older sighed. ''But then again you always were a little diva.''

''Hey!'' And the older gained another slap to the shoulder.

''Anyway try and find something your picky ass would actually put on I'm taking a shower.''

''I'm not that picky.'' The younger pouted only to earn a flick to the back of his head.

''Whatever you say ChimChim.'' The younger couldn't help but to smile at the childhood nickname he hasn't heard in ages.

''Don't call me that.'' He faked a pout but the older only chuckled as he took some clothes and left the room. 

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