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''Yoongi?'' Another voice called out and the pair exchanged a look as their two friends walked over to them both unaware of the other's presence.

''What are you doing here... With him?'' The two boys spoke in unison and finally noticed each other. ''What the hell are you doing here?!'' They snapped at each other.

''I'm just greeting my friend.'' Teahyung spat then sent Jimin a smile.

''And I'm greeting mine.'' Hoseok spat back then looked down at his best friend's hand, which was intertwined with the raven's. ''Yoongi is there something you wanna tell me?''

''Jimin is there something you should have told me?'' Both male's spoke in a slightly offended tone as they tried not to glare at one another.

''Hoe, this is my new boyfriend, Jimin.'' Teahyung almost snickered at the nickname but was too shocked when he heard the word boyfriend escape Yoongi's mouth. He looked at his tomato red friend with wide eyes and just as he was about to speak he heard a voice that made him want to cut his ears off.

''Hey babe.'' A feminine voice spoke as a bright pair of orange hair appeared next to Hoseok.

''Hey.'' The two exchanged a kiss making everybody around them uncomfortable, Taehyung especially.

''What's going on?'' She asked then noticed a tall blonde and rolled her eyes. ''Tae if you're going to stare at least don't make it so obvious.''

''Oh I'm sorry I just couldn't help but find you guys so cute.'' The blonde spoke causing everybody's expression's to turn confused.

''What?'' It was Hoseok who spoke up.

''Yeah I mean it's so cute, not only did she share STDs with you she also shared her hair dye.'' And with that one couple was left with wide eyes while the other was holding back their laughter.

''I'm Hyuna.'' The girl decided to ignore the blonde and introduce herself to the raven.

''Jimin.'' He said back a bit more quietly.

''Hey wait I know who you are. You were at the party last week, you're the one I saw Yoongi dancing with.'' Hoseok spoke up.

''Yep that's him.'' Yoongi spoke up knowing his 'boyfriend' was going to stay quiet.

''So what you're dating now?'' Hoseok asked.

''And you didn't tell me?'' Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow.

''I-I was going to tell you tomorrow at school.'' The younger lied, he never even thought about what his friends would think, actually now that he thought about it he really didn't think this plan through at all. The other day one thing led to another and the two ended up half naked and in a full on lip lock which would probably have escalated even further if Yoongi wouldn't have been called home by his father. So the younger not even thinking straight just agreed to the plan without asking any additional questions.

''You should have told me the second this happened.'' The blonde crossed his arms and sent his friend a betrayed look.

''For once I agree with him, Yoongi when did this happen?'' Hoseok agreed and gave his best friend a betrayed look as well.

''After the party.'' Yoongi spoke completely unfazed. Jimin sent him a glare seeing his best friend was hurt yet here he was not even feeling one bit guilty.

''Okay I'm gonna let you guys sort this out.'' Hyuna noticed the air was getting tense and decided to bail before any fight broke out.

''You are so paying for this Park Jimin.'' The blonde spoke still hurt.

''I-I'm sorry Tae, please don't be mad, I-I'll make it up to you.'' The raven felt so guilty seeing his friend upset, while on the other hand Yoongi couldn't care less.

''What about me Yoongi, I'm your best friend.'' He spoke slightly upset.

''Why are you making such a big deal out of it we've been dating for less then a week.''

''Because the fact that you two are here, holding hands means you came out to your dad and you never told me about it.''

''I found out about Taehyung after you two broke up.'' Yoongi shrugged back and with that the raven looked over to his friend to see the pain in his eyes.

''That was different.'' Hoseok said back through his teeth.

''Why? Because I was your dirty little secret?'' The blonde spoke with pain in his voice and rushed away. Hoseok sighed then sent his best friend a glare.

''This is not over yet.'' He told his best friend before rushing after the blonde.

''Why did you do that!?'' The raven hit his fake boyfriend causing him to whine.

''Ouch that actually hurt.'' He pouted.

''Why were you such a dick that is your best friend.''

''So what, he'll get over it.'' With that the older earned another punch to the shoulder. ''Okay stop hitting me and lets go see my dad.''

''Fine.'' The younger murmured back.

Taehyung was rushing to the bathroom trying not to let his emotions get the best of him when he heard a familiar voice call after him.

''Tae! Tae wait up!'' Hoseok called after him as he finally caught up.

''Oh now you run after me!?'' He snapped tears already forming in his eyes.

''Tae...'' The older didn't know what to say, but he couldn't deny the pain in his chest as he saw the person he cared so much about on the verge of tears.

''Can you stop hurting me over and over again. Here I am finally moving on and getting better and suddenly you show up and tear my wounds back open. Is this all just a game to you? Was I nothing but a booty call to you?'' 


''Don't even say it. If you were sorry, you would've told me so a long time ago, so save it for someone who actually buys your bullshit.'' And with that the blonde walked away leaving the latter behind with even more guilt then he felt before.

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