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It was the morning after and the raven had just woken up only to wish to go right back to sleep. His throat was as dry as a desert, his head felt like somebody was using it as a drum and although the boy was still lying down he could already feel how dizzy he was. A groan escaped his lips as he wished to die right then and there. But wait where exactly was then and there?

''Morning drunkie.'' A voice suddenly caused the raven's eyes to go wide and his body to rose up into a sitting position. Regretting moving that fast the boy needed a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the light when he suddenly noticed a familiar boy standing in the door frame.

''What the hell!?'' The younger panicked as he quickly jumped out of bed, but quickly regretted that as he caught his balance by gripping the wall.

''Okay, calm down.'' The brown haired boy now approached him. It was in that moment that the raven realized both of them were only wearing their underwear causing him to blush and quickly cover his upper body by wrapping his arms around himself.

''W-why am I almost naked?'' The boy started panicking even more.

''Relax it's not what you think. Before you do anything drink this.'' The older spoke and offered him a glass of water and two pills. The boy quickly gulped everything down due to the thirst he has been feeling since the second he opened his eyes then allowed himself to panic all over again. ''How much of last night do you remember?''

''How much do I actually want to? And seriously why am I only in my underwear?!''

''You puked all over yourself Tae disappeared somewhere to continue his fight with Hoseok and I didn't have the heart to just leave you passed out drunk and covered in vomit so I took you here.'' It all started to come back to him. From drinking to Jae biting Kookie all the way to dancing with Yoongi. But then panic kicked in once again.

''O-oh no, was I wearing a leather jacket!?''

''Yeah, it's in the bathroom.'' The older told him as he pointed to the door in his room and the raven was already sprinting inside. He noticed it thrown into the sink, still covered in vomit and his eyes teared up at the sight. ''Are you okay?'' The older asked as he popped his head into the room only to receive a glare from the younger.

''No I'm not, my jacket is ruined. Goddammit Tae.'' He sighed feeling mad that he let his friend talk him into putting the jacket on.

''Dude, it's just a jacket. You can take it to the dry cleaners.''

''THAT IS GUCCI!'' The younger yelled back causing Yoongi to slightly back away. Not only was he shocked that the boy was no longer stuttering but the fact that he just raised his voice at him was enough to leave him frozen in shock. The raven passed through him back into the bedroom in search of his phone as Yoongi took a few more seconds to recover.

Just as the raven finally found his phone and Yoongi sat down on the edge of his bed the door opened and everyone's eyes went wide.

''Yoongi why are you yell-'' Mr Min started but stopped when he noticed the two barely clothed young boys staring at him with wide eyes full of fear. ''When will I learn how to knock.'' He murmured to himself as he realized he just found himself in an awkward situation.

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