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Once again Monday came around and the raven was stuck in the cafeteria waiting in line for food he was not going to eat anyway. He felt proud for all the wrong reasons. His friends haven't yet noticed he never ate, he lost 3 pounds in the last week and his abs were getting more defined.

''Hey, you're new here, right?'' A voice caught the raven off guard causing him a minor heart attack. ''Oh sorry, did I scare you?'' Once the raven calmed down enough to be able to understand his surrounding again he looked up to see a blonde girl with a sweet smile on her face.

''A-a l-little.'' The raven said as loud as a whisper, but the girl must have heard him.

''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. You're Jimin, right?''

''H-how d-did... you k-know my name?''

''Oh I'm a friend of Yoongi's, my name's Lisa.'' The girl introduced herself and extended her arm for the raven to shake it.

''N-nice to m-meet you.'' The shy boy murmured as he shook the girl's hand.

''Aw, oppa said you were shy, but I didn't know you were this shy.'' The girl giggled making the raven flustered. ''Anyway, I saw you on Tae's new video.''

''O-oh.. R-really.'' The raven was as red as a tomato by now.

''Yeah, you looked so badass, he should do make up tutorials with you as his model more often.''

''O-oh t-thank you.''

''So, can I sit with you at lunch?'' The blonde asked as the two took their lunches and started making their way to the empty tables.

''U-um s-sure.''

''Thank you oppa.'' The word caught Jimin off guard, he hasn't heard it in a while and the last time he did it came from his so-called 'best friend', at least he thought she was. That was before she shared with the entire school that he is gay.

The pair sat down at the table Jimin and his friends usually sat. Normally Jungkook was already there eating his lunch or Namjoon was doing his homework and waiting for Seokjin to bring both of their lunches, but today they were the first to arrive.

''You usually eat lunch with Taehyung and Jungkook, right?'' The girl asked catching Jimin off guard once again.

''H-how did you know t-that?''

''I've seen you guys hanging out since the day you first came to our school.'' Suddenly the raven felt bad for never noticing the blonde girl sitting in front of him. She seemed kind and from what she told him she was a friend of Yoongi's so he must have seen her at least once before, but he never noticed her.

''O-oh, so w-who do you n-normally sit w-with?'' With that a sigh escaped the blonde girl's mouth.

''Yeah um that... I-I used to sit with my friends... But we sort of got into a major fight and I don't really want to even see their faces right now.'' The girl tried to cover up that she was upset with a chuckle but Jimin could see right through her.

''I-it's okay, y-you can sit with m-me at lunch, i-if you want.'' And with that a frown was replaced with a smile.

''Hyung you won't believe the gossip I have for you.'' A familiar voice filled the raven's ears as he saw a light haired boy approach the table with a wide grin on his face. But once the boy's eyes fell on the blonde girl sitting next to his friend, the grin fell and so did his lunch, almost, he quickly caught it and placed the tray on the table before he could drop it again. ''N-noona, wh-what are you doing here?''

''Oh Jungkookie, I hope you don't mind me having lunch with you guys.''

''O-oh, not-not a-at all, no-noona d-do you mind, I-I j-just have to te-tell Jimin hyung so-something.'' And before the raven could process anything he was pulled out of his seat and carried away from the table he was sat at less then a second ago. Once the pair were away from any crowds the raven was finally placed back on his feet and met with a pair of wide eyes.

''What was that about?!'' The raven snapped finally processing everything that happened since the second the youngest arrived to their table.

''Why is she sitting there with us!? Do you want me to have a heart attack!? At least give me a 3 day heads up if you plan on having her at our table. How do you guys know each other anyway? Are you friends? Does she like you? Does she know you're dating Yoongi hyung? God why are you always surrounded by beautiful women yet you're not even attracted to them.'' The raven was bombarded with questions he did not have a clue on how to answer.

''Jungkook take a deep breath, or maybe five and calm down.'' Jimin spoke as he placed his hand's on the younger's shoulders. The younger did as told and took in five deep breaths and then another two just in case. ''Now tell me what the hell is going on you stuttered worse then me when I first got here.''

''That's Manoban Lalisa one of the most popular girls at our school she's in the same class as me, the gossip I was going to tell you is about her and the girls she usually hangs out with.''

''Well tell me now.''

''Apparently Jennie and Lisa got into this major fight and now she wants nothing to do with them.''

''Yeah I know she told me that. But what did they fight about?''

''Apparently some guys. Probably just someone they both had a crush on.'' The younger rolled his eyes in jealousy. The raven was just about to speak up when another voice interrupted him.

''Oppa you might want to come see this.'' Lisa quickly interrupted gaining the pair's attention.


''Yoongi and Mark are fighting again.'' The pair quickly followed behind the blonde who led them to where the two boys were currently trying to kill each other.

This time both of them were still on their feet and Mark seemed to be winning. Or so it looked that way until Yoongi started using more force and kneed the boy where the sun doesn't shine. Just as he was going to continue to kick the weaker Jimin decided to jump in and stop him.

He tried to grip him from behind and pull him away but Yoongi pushed him away, but that didn't stop the raven from trying again. He gripped one of the older's wrists and tried to pull him back which resulted in the older turning around ready to punch him as well. But before he did his fist stopped only an inch before the raven's face.

The two boys stood there, both frozen in fear one from the punch he could've received and one from the punch he almost didn't stop. Their wide eyes stared into one another's and neither knew what to do.

''Mark don't!'' A shout snapped them out of their stares and they snapped their heads into the direction it came from. Jinyoung was currently holding Mark back from attacking Yoongi. ''That's it I'm so done with the two of you! Get your boyfriend out of here before these two kill each other!'' Jinyoung shouted at Jimin as he gripped onto his friend even tighter and tried to drag him away.

The raven quickly did as told and dragged the older away from the crowd. 

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