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During lunch time Jimin was walking around like a lost puppy, he had no idea where he should sit. As he was looking around trying to find the line for the food a voice suddenly spoke behind him causing the boy to jump.

''So what is it with you and stuttering?'' A deep yet familiar voice spoke and the boy yelped in fear. ''Wow, chill it's just me.'' A familiar blonde giggled, leaving Jimin awe struck. Even his laugh is perfect, the raven hair thought.

''Sorry, you scared me.'' The boy replied as the two got in line to get their food.

''You're weird.'' The blonde said with a smile.

''Sorry.'' The raven hair apologized, not exactly sure why.

''Stop apologizing, I meant that in a good way.''

''Sorry.'' The boy face palmed when he realized he once again apologized without a reason earning another giggle from the blonde.

''You're adorable, I'm gonna keep you.'' He said causing the raven's cheeks to turn as red as the blonde's tinted lips. ''But seriously, what is it with you and the stuttering?'' The raven hair only shrugged, not exactly sure how to respond. ''Are you that shy or do you just hate me?''

''N-no, of course not. I-I just met you, w-why would I hate you?''

''Oh my God, this is the longest I've heard you talk since you've walked into class this morning.'' The raven only chuckled as he shyly looked down at his feet. ''I seriously don't get how does someone look so intimidating yet be such a cutie pie when you actually talk to them. Come sit with me.''

''Really?'' Jimin asked the blonde with wide eyes. ''Why would you wanna do that?'' To that the blonde only chuckled.

''Cause I like you.'' The blonde explained as he took his plate then waited for the raven to do the same. ''And I think you and I actually have a lot in common, well we'll see about that when I get you to talk some more.''

The raven followed the blonde with a small smile on his face as they were making their way down through the cafeteria.

''So since we're friends now, let me show you around.'' The blonde started. ''Our school is basically like any other. We have the jocks.'' He started and pointed to a table where several teenagers were sitting. Jimin figured they were basketball and soccer players since he saw a couple of the boys carrying basketballs and soccer balls. ''Those are the mean girls, stay away from them by the way. They've been looking for a new gay best friend that's fab enough to replace me and you might just be their next candidate.''

''H-how did y-you kn-know I-I was-'' Jimin was too shocked to even finish his sentence so Taehyung cut him off.

''Gay? It takes one to know one.'' The blonde explained then sent the blushing boy a wink. ''Those are the nerds. But we don't exactly call them that because well they all have the ability to kick your ass and take your lunch money. Right Joonie hyung?'' The blonde paused and patted the back of another blonde teenager, he looked up from a book he was holding and at who called for him through his glasses and raised his eyebrow and the two boys.

''Tae who's this?'' He asked looking at Jimin up and down.

''Hyung this is my new friend Jimin, Jimin this is Namjoon the smartest guy in our entire school.'' To that Namjoon only chuckled and raised his hand for Jimin to shake it.

''Ignore what comes out of his mouth 91% percent of the time, nice to meet you Jimin.'' The older smiled kindly as Jimin gently shook his hand.

''N-nice to meet y-you too, hyung.'' The younger said back with a shy smile.

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