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Loud music was blasting into the raven's ears as he bit into his lips due to his legs, which were going to give up any second now. He was forcing himself to run 3 miles more then usual and it was easier said then done. He usually did that as a punishment but today he just wanted to do it to see if he can last that long.

The boy was so focused on his task and played his music so loud he didn't even noticed he had a guest.

Yoongi was currently standing at the door frame of the younger's gym watching the shirtless boy run on the treadmill. He's called out to him for the 15th time already but the raven's music was too loud so he decided to go with option two.

As the raven was deep in thought and on his last mile a face suddenly appeared in front of him causing a shriek to escape his mouth. And that's how Min Yoongi knew he shouldn't have done that. The raven fell on his face and got thrown off of the treadmill.

''Shit, Jimin are you okay?'' The older quickly rushed over to him and tried to pull him off the ground.

''What the hell Yoongi?!'' The younger snapped and rolled onto his back to glare at the boy hoovering over him. He was holding his nose, which he hoped wasn't bleeding while shooting daggers into the older's face.

''You didn't hear me and I didn't know how else to get your attention.'' The older defended himself as he tried to keep his eyes on the younger's face and not his abs.

''So making me face palm into the treadmill was the best solution!?''

''Look I'm sorry okay, I didn't know you were gonna get scared. Does it hurt a lot?''

''What do you think?'' The boy asked with with an arched brow. The older simply sighed and grabbed the younger's hands to pull him off the ground. ''How did you get in here anyway?''

''Your maid let me in.''

''And is there a reason you came over?'' The boy asked limping over to the treadmill to turn it off. Yoongi couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for causing the younger pain, but at the same time he wished he would've recorded that fall.

''Can't I just hang out with my old buddy Chim.'' The older grinned only making the younger more suspicious.

''You already did that yesterday at lunch, and the day before that and for the past week and basically ever since we've reunited.'' The younger replied obviously not fond of his friend's presence at the moment.

''So what, I'm not welcomed at your house over the weekend?'' The older was trying his best not to laugh at the hurt younger who was checking his nose to see if it was getting swollen.

''Do you seem welcomed at the moment!?'' The younger snapped. ''Yoongi I swear to God if my nose get's swollen I'm kicking your ass into 3017.''

''You'll be fine, just put some ice on it.'' The younger walked past him and purposely bumped his shoulder into the older's causing him to cringe. ''Ew you're all sweaty. Hey wait where are you going?'' He asked the younger who left the gym.

''To the mystical world of Oz.'' The younger replied sarcasm dripping from every word he let out. ''To get some ice, dumb ass.''

''Hey I'm your hyung show some respect.'' He called after the younger and followed behind him all the way to the kitchen. The younger ignored him as he took his ice pack and pressed it against his nose, slightly wincing at the sudden coldness.

He walked up his stairs and into his bedroom, throwing himself down onto his bed. He was soon accompanied by another body and sighed.

''Here let me.'' The older spoke as he took the ice pack and held it for the younger. ''So is this really what you do on a Saturday afternoon, workout?''

''Yes?'' The raven replied slightly calmer now, but he was still a bit angry with his friend.

''I'm too lazy to even warm up before I play ball.'' The older chuckled.

''You're the captain, right?'' The younger asked.

''Aw did my Chim ask around about me?''

''I'm not your Chim.'' The younger blushed, but luckily there was an ice pack covering his face so the older couldn't see it.

''Yeah... About that... I'm going to need you to do me a favor...''

''I knew it.'' The younger rolled his eyes.

''Look ever since my dad caught us after the party he think's we're dating, no matter what I say he keeps telling me that it's okay if I like boys that he loves me no matter what and stuff like that and now he asked me to bring you to one of his dinners at the country club.''

''What!? He thinks we're what!?''

''Look calm down, I just need you to come to the dinner party with me hold hands with me and act all sweet and lovey-dovey.''

''While we're at it should I suck your dick in front of him as well?'' The boy snapped back and pushed the older's hand away to sit up.

''Nah I think that would be going a bit too far. There will be a lot of guests so...'' The older replied back with the same amount of sarcasm.

''Can't you just explain what really happened?''

''Would fake dating me be that bad?''

''Why are you so okay with this? I thought you said you were straight.''

''I never said that.''

''Yes you did. In the car, I asked if you were gay, you said no.''

''Exactly, you asked if I was gay.''

''So? If you're not gay, you're straight.'' The younger said back getting more and more confused by the second.

''Noo. I'm actually semi-gay.'' The older explained and with that the younger's brain farted.

''What?'' He asked his friend with complete confusion.

''I like both girls and boys.'' The older explained casually as he laid on the younger's pillow.

''So you're bisexual?''

''I prefer the term semi-gay.''

''You are unbelievable.'' The younger face palmed then regretted it quickly due to his nose.

''Here.'' The older sat up and held the ice pack to the younger's nose. ''So anyway I've been meaning to tell my dad about my sexuality for a while now but I never knew how he'd react, but now thanks to you I don't have to.'' He winked and pinched the younger cheeks.

''Throughout this entire plan of yours have you maybe considered that I'm not gay?'' The older only chuckled. ''I'm serious, I'm as straight as the pole you ran into when we were learning to ride our bikes!'' The younger exclaimed when suddenly Yoongi dropped the ice pack and crashed their lips together. The younger closed his eyes and kissed back, before realizing what he was doing and pushed the older away with wide eyes.

''In case you forgot that pole bent when I ran into it.'' And this time it was the younger's turn to smash his lip's onto the ladder's.


In case anyone is wondering what the pole looks like 

I have a shitty sense of humor I know, but I don't care

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I have a shitty sense of humor I know, but I don't care

Love Will Destroy Us  //  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now