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While the pair were dancing Taehyung was nearly shouting at the two younger boys who were following behind him as he held a search party for the raven.

''Why did you just leave him there?!'' He shouted for the 7th time in the last 3 minutes.

''We didn't Yoongi hyung asked me to go check where...'' The youngest stopped himself before he could mention the name that secretly still caused pain to the oldest.

''Yoongi asked you to do what?'' The blonde asked with a permanent glare on his face. He was worried for his new friend and he didn't want him to get caught in a crowd of drunk people with no way to get out.

''I rather not speak his name...'' With that the blonde spun around and looked at his best friend.

''What did that oversized carrot do?''

''I spilled a drink on him.'' Jae spoke up as he threw the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth.

''Good boy.'' The blonde smiled and ruffled his hair a bit. ''Now where did you last see Jimin?''

''That's what I'm trying to tell you Tae. I left him with Yoongi.''


''The kitchen.''

''Well we looked there, they're not in the kitchen.''

''Guys.'' Jae spoke up but got ignored.

''Well I don't know maybe they went somewhere else.'' The youngest explained.

''Guys.'' The blue haired boy tried again, but was ignored.

''What if he drugged him? What if he's raping him right now?'' The blonde panicked.

''Tae, it's Yoongi. He wouldn't do that.'' The youngest tried to reason with the blonde while Jae was trying to get the pair's attention.

''Then where is Jimin right now? Huh?'' The blonde wouldn't give up.

''Guys he's right there dancing with Yoongi.'' With that the blue haired boy finally gained their attention.

''What?!'' Both of them shot their head into the direction Jae's hand was pointing at. And he was right there they were dancing and laughing.

''I don't think I've ever seen Yoongi dance before.'' The blonde murmured to himself then starting approaching the pair who were too busy dancing and laughing to notice the attention they were gaining. ''There you are. I've been looking for you you know.''

The raven spun around and grinned happily as he clung onto his friend like a koala.

''Tae Tae, this is Yoongi my new friend.'' The drunk boy half sang as he pointed to the brown haired boy who was giving him a small smile.

''How many drinks did he have?'' The blonde asked looking at the oldest for answers.

''With me, two. Before that, I don't know.'' The oldest replied as he caught the raven who suddenly threw himself onto him. ''Okay calm down there.'' He chuckled at the younger's actions and wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him on his feet.

The raven was starting to feel sick and he could no longer focus on his surroundings the only thing he knew was that Yoongi was holding him Taehyung was suddenly arguing with an orange haired boy who appeared out of nowhere.

''Hey are you okay?'' A voice asked him causing him to shake his head. ''What's wrong, do you feel sick?'' The raven only nodded but before the older could do anything about it the liquid that was supposed to be inside his stomach was now all over his leather jacket.

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