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Next morning, the sound of an alarm clock rudely awoke the boy buried inside a blanket. The last thing Jimin wanted to do was get up and go to school, but he knew he can't miss his first day at his new school. So although he would rather die then abandon his warm and comfortable bed, he got up and dragged his half-asleep body into the bathroom.

Once he washed his face and brushed his teeth he tried to actually make an effort with his hair and part it in the middle and slightly pushed it back. Deciding his hair was acceptable to walk out in public with he walked into his closet and tried to decide what to wear.

Having a mother who lived for fashion really affected Jimin from an early age so choosing an outfit that would make a good impression was a must anytime he left the house. So he chose a black, short-sleeved button up along with black skinny jeans into which he tucked his shirt then slipped on a pair of black chelsea boots and grabbed a jacket due to the cold weather.

He skipped breakfast knowing that he was going to be late if he doesn't. Once he had all of his things he made his way to his car and drove of into the direction of the school.

After about a 15 minute ride and a bit of help from his cellphone the raven haired boy finally parked his car in the school's parking lot. As he got out of the car he noticed a man in a suit making his way to him with the most fake grin he's ever seen.

''You must be Park Jimin.'' The man asked making the younger nod. ''I'm Lee Sangwook, the principles assistant.'' The man introduced himself and extended out his arm for Jimin to shake. Jimin shook his hand and tried to avoid the fact that that was the most awkward handshake he's ever given. His wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans and forced a smile on his lips.

''Nice to meet you.'' The boy gave himself a mental pat on the back for not stuttering.

''You too, Jimin.'' The older of the two said back as an awkward silence started to settle over. ''Okay so here is a list of your classes, your locker and combination to open it. I'll walk you to your first class which is, English.'' The younger only nodded and took the paper he was given. ''Your father was worried about you coming here alone on your first day but we assured him that we will make you fit right in. If you have any questions just ask the teachers they will gladly answer. If you feel like something is wrong there is a great guidance counselor ready to listen anytime of the school day and if you fear you're not catching up on the subjects we will instantly find you somebody to tutor you.'' The man blurted out leaving Jimin wondering how long he has been practicing that kiss up speech of his.

''Oh, that's very kind of the... School?'' The boy replied, trying his best to not sound like he was mocking the older.

''We try our best to make new students feel welcomed.'' The older told him as he led Jimin to the school. ''So what do you think of the town so far?''

''Oh, i-it's lovely.'' The raven hair stuttered as Sangwook opened the doors for him. The boy glanced around the hallways noticing how spotless the school looked.

''Well I hope it'll feel like home in no time.'' The older spoke while leading the younger down the hallway to his first class. The entire time Jimin was trailing behind him like a lost puppy hoping they would arrive to their destination soon. ''Oh and I almost forgot. The principle would like to see you after lunch, he was supposed the be welcoming you at the moment but unfortunately he's tied up at the moment.''

''Uhm, I-I don't-where exactly is h-his office?'' The boy asked praying to God it was not on the other side of the school.

''Right, you don't know where anything is at the moment. Well I guess I'll just come get you then if don't mind of course.''

''Not at all.'' The boy replied, relieved he didn't have to go by himself and end up getting lost and too shy to ask for directions.

''Great.'' The older replied before pausing in front of a door. ''Here we are.'' He said opening the door and walking inside making the younger nervously follow behind. ''Sorry to interrupt, class this is our new student, please do your best to make him feel welcomed.'' With that he gave the younger one last glance and left the room leaving Jimin with all eyes now on him.

''Welcome, introduce yourself to the class.'' The teacher spoke up with a warm smile on her lips.

''M-my na-name i-is...'' The boy took a deep breath to calm himself down then plastered a fake smile onto his lips and continued. ''My name i-is Park Jimin, I-I just moved here from Tokyo, Japan. P-please take c-care of me.''

''Nice to meet you Jimin. Have a seat.'' The teacher said kindly and pointed to an empty seat in the second row. The nervous boy carefully made his way to his seat praying to God he doesn't trip and fall in the process. Once he finally sat down he reached his shaky hand into the bag and took out his notebook and pencil case and looked to the board where the teacher was starting the lecture.

''Pst.'' The boy tried to focus on the teacher but felt someone calling for him on his right. Realizing the person was probably not calling him he decided to ignore it and focus on the lesson. ''Hey.'' Another whisper called out. This time Jimin felt a hand waving at him making him turn to his right.

Suddenly he was faced with one of the most beautiful faces he has ever seen in his life. The boy had blonde hair that covered his forehead but still showed his perfectly shaped eyebrows that complimented his almost perfectly symmetrical face. Jimin's jaw slightly dropped and he was awestruck by the boy's beauty. Although he was wearing glitter around his eyes, which were unnaturally blue due to the color lenses he was wearing and his cheekbones were glowing due to the highlighter he was wearing. But Jimin could tell the man was equally beautiful with or without make up.

''Hi.'' The boy smiled a rectangular smile once he noticed he got the raven hair's attention. ''I'm Taehyung.'' The boy said and Jimin had to almost slap himself to snap out of it.

''H-hi, I-I'm Jimin.'' The boy looked away once their eyes met. He wasn't trying to be rude, he was just bad at holding eye contact.

''So you moved here from Japan? Wait but you speak Korean so well.'' The blonde frowned his brows in confusion.

''M-my parents and I we-th-they made me move a lot. I-I was a-actually born i-in th-this town.'' The raven hair was a stuttering mess, he hasn't spoken to somebody his age in over a month.

''That's so cool. Wait what did I want to tell you in the first place.'' The blonde's expression changed to a confused one as he tried to remember the purpose of his interaction. ''Oh, right!'' He said a bit too loud causing the raven hair to Jump. ''I like your outfit.'' The blonde smiled happily as the raven blushed and smiled shyly.

''T-thank you.'' He said back earning a wide grin from the blonde.

''Kim Taehyung, it's your classmate's first day here and you're already causing him trouble.'' The teacher suddenly interrupted the two.

''H-he was j-just telling me what page w-we were on. I-I'm sorry.'' Jimin quickly lied while Taehyung nodded his head along causing a sigh to escape the teacher's lips.

''Jimin if you have a question raise your hand.'' To that the raven hair just nodded and the teacher turned her head back to the board and continued writing down the sentence in English.

''I like you.'' Teahyung smiled causing the Jimin to blush once again. 

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