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Time went by faster and faster every day and to Jimin it all happened in a blink of an eye. He was standing in Jin's kitchen waiting for the mentioned boy to mix him and his group of friends a drink.

Tonight was the last night of the high schooler's freedom. Starting from tomorrow on everybody was going to have to start studying for their exams. So to celebrate one more time while they still could Jin decided to throw one last party while they still had the time.

Besides the season and a new hair color for Jin, whose hair was now brown, everything was still the same. Jimin and Yoongi were still only pretending, Namjoon and Jin were still secretly dating, although everyone knew about it, Lisa and Jungkook were also something no one could explain and Taehyung and Hoseok were still together and as in love as always.

''Alright, lets drink one last time before we enter the month of hell.'' Hoseok announced as everyone got their drinks. ''I wish everybody their best while studying, I am sorry but for the next month you will not see me even look out the window after school. Love, I'm going to miss you but it's the way my parents have decided.''

''Cheers!'' The group yelled as they all took a sip of the pink drink Jin has mixed together.

''How bad are these exams really?'' Jungkook asked making his sophomore and junior friends laugh.

''Kookie, we call it hell month for a reason.'' Hoseok replied.

''It wouldn't be as hard if you guys revised your subjects everyday.'' Namjoon spoke up earning a glare from every one of his friends.

''I do revise everyday.'' Hoseok glared.

''And he forces me to do the same.'' Taehyung spoke up as well.

''We no smart like you.'' Lisa joked while shaking her head.

The group of friends drank up the remaining pink liquid in their cups then split up like they always did. Hoseok and Yoongi went to take a round of shots, this time supervised by Jin and Namjoon, Lisa and Jungkook went to dance and Jimin and Taehyung stayed in the kitchen.

The silver haired boy was staring at the scene in front of him glaring at the girl that was currently making out with her boyfriend like they were the only ones in the room.

''If looks could kill, I'm pretty sure you'd be responsible for a massacre.'' Taehyung joked snapping the older out of his thoughts.

''Sorry.'' Jimin murmured as he took another sip of his drink.

''Don't apologize, I would help you.'' Tae joked earning a chuckle. Jimin looked away from Mark and Jennie and gulped down the rest of his drink not even caring about the burning sensation that would follow. ''Are you finally ready to confess?''

''I think so...'' The older replied as he took a nervous breath.

''Are you doing it tonight?''

''Yeah, he's sleeping over at my place tonight. I'll tell him when we get home.''

''I'm proud of you.'' Taehyung smiled at his best friend.


Ever since Taehyung has found out the truth about Yoongi's and Jimin's ''relationship'' he's been trying to get the pair together. Jimin kept on refusing until one night he finally asked the older why he was so against love. Which lead to one long explanation of a story that started when Jimin was still just a kid.

Having busy parents Jimin would often stay with his grandfather, because his parents didn't want him to always be surrounded by strangers they would hire to watch over him.

Love Will Destroy Us  //  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now