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''Here.'' Yoongi's voice snapped the raven out of his thoughts. He was sitting on the older's bed over-thinking the entire situation to the point he where made himself cry again. ''Don't cry.'' The older's voice was soft and comforting as he wiped the younger's tears away once again.

''Sorry.'' Jimin replied, his voice hoarse from the sobbing. Yoongi sat down next to the raven and handed him a plate of the food he was hoping the younger would eat.

''Please eat it.'' He begged the younger who sighed and picked up a cracker. After about half a minute of staring at it the raven took a small bite and started chewing the food. Yoongi gave him a proud smile before taking the younger's phone and texting Jimin's father that he'll be staying the night.

''What are you doing?'' The younger asked, his mouth full with the cracker he just shoved inside.

''I texted your dad that you'll stay here tonight. He and my parents went out for drinks and Chae took Jihoon to the city to see the lights so we have the house to ourselves for a few hours.'' Yoongi explained and shot the younger a smirk earning an eye roll in response.

''You really want to recreate the bathtub picture don't you?'' The raven joked.

''I mean it is a cute picture.'' The older joked as well earning a giggle. ''Eat some more baby.'' He told the younger when he noticed he only drank the tea.

''But I'm full.''

''No you're not.''

''But Yoongi-''

''If you don't eat the crackers I won't give you your present.''

''Oh my god I haven't given you your present yet!'' The younger suddenly remembered.

''You'll give it to me after you eat your crackers.'' The younger only pouted as he shoved another cracker into his mouth and chewed it.

The older waited patiently until Jimin ate every cracker and drank all the tea up before walking into his closet to bring out a box for the younger. In the meanwhile Jimin rushed to his coat to retrieve the box with Yoongi's present in it and rushed back to the bed with an excited grin on his face. He extended the box to the older and waited excitedly for him to take it.

''I've never met a person who's more excited to give a present then to receive one.'' Yoongi chuckled as he sat back down on the bed.

''Open it.'' Jimin ordered shoving the box into the older's face. Yoongi took the box from the younger's hands and opened it.

''Oh wow.'' The older said as he took out the Rolex watch and inspected it closely.

''I know you hate wearing suits, but I bet you'll look like a hot CEO with this on your wrist and a suit on.'' Jimin spoke with a giggle making Yoongi smile his infamous gummy smile.

''I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm putting on a suit.'' The older smiled as he placed a kiss on the younger's lips. ''Thank you baby, I love it.'' He carefully placed the watch back in the box and placed it on his night stand so it wouldn't fall off the bed. ''Now open mine.'' He smiled as the younger started opening the box. A gasp escaped the younger's mouth as he took out his present.

''Is this...?'' He he couldn't even finish his sentence because he was smiling to wide.

''Yes it's a Gucci jacket.'' Yoongi answered the raven's unfinished question making him grin even wider. ''Since you were so sad about the one your mom gave you getting ruined I figured you might want a new one.''

''Oh my God, it's amazing. Thank you so much.'' Jimin jumped from happiness

''Try it on.'' He told the boy who happily jumped off the bed and threw on the leather jacket with a wide smile on his face.

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